Tuesday, November 6, 2018

IVF #4 = 1 Embryo

I haven't had time to post, last week was super busy with all the Halloween activities.

The results of my IVF #4 Cycle = 1 Embryo


I had my retrieval on Tuesday, October 30, 2018.

  • Eggs Retrieved: 3
  • Eggs Mature: 2
  • Eggs Fertilized: 1
To say I was disappointed... is an understatement. I received updates on Day #1, Day, #3, Day #5, and Day #6: 

Day #1: Is when I found out that only 2 were mature and it looked like only 1 fertilized 
Day #3: The fertilized embryo was looking great and was at 8-cells 
Day #5: The embryo was looking good, but wasn't ready for biopsy (early blastocyst)  
Day #6: The embryo finally was ready for biopsy and was frozen 

The Embryo is a Grade 1 (which is my clinic's highest rating). My son was a Day 6 embryo and a Grade 2 embryo. 

I tell you... it was a rough week emotional-wise. I wasn't sure what was going to happen and the stress was so intense. Not to mention, we were just so busy as a family - so many Halloween activities going on. 

Next step is waiting for the PGS results of the embryo.... with my age, there's a 50-50 chance the embryo will be normal. I don't like those odds very much... 


I'm trying not to think too far in advance... BUT, I can't help it. Things jumping through my mind: 

- If the embryo is abnormal - I would need to switch clinics and go to a cheaper one. I would need to save enough money to do another cycle, so I wouldn't be able to cycle until Feb/Mar of 2019. I am willing to do ONE more IVF cycle with my own eggs. But I need a different IVF protocol and I need a more affordable clinic. 

- If the embryo is normal - this would be AMAZING! However, PGS-normal embryos don't always lead to a viable pregnancy. I believe it's a 60% chance. There's also a chance the embryo wouldn't survive being thawed. My thoughts on this: maybe I will push up a FET date to early 2019 (originally I wanted to wait for a FET until July 2019), that way if it doesn't work I can fit in another IVF cycle in summer 2019. The rush? I turn 39 this year... I'm sure the results will not get better the longer it takes for me to do an IVF cycle. The sucky part of doing an earlier FET is that if it works, I won't have the 3 year age gap I was hoping for... I also have some work career goals I wanted to meet in 2019. 

BUT, as all things with fertility treatments - nothing is guaranteed. I'd rather have a closer age gap between the kids vs. not being able to have another baby. I'd also put off all career aspirations for another baby. You know? Having another baby trumps all that. 

- Then there's the thought of doing donor embryos, in the event this embryo is either abnormal or doesn't lead to a pregnancy if normal, and another IVF cycle has similar results... 

- Or possibly doing IUI's - which I don't think is cost effective and then there's the egg quality issue. But maybe I'd get "lucky?" 

Lots of things running through my mind... and I have to wait TWO more weeks to have a clearer picture on what to do next. 

Needless to say, I've started a few projects to keep myself occupied! I'm working on decluttering the house (yes - AGAIN), I'm working on multiple photo books (I WILL complete at least ONE), I've started some new cleaning / house management routines, and I've been reading books on strong-willed children - because I have two of those :). 

Trying to keep busy... hoping time flies by fast... praying this embryo is PGS-normal...