Tuesday, March 31, 2015


I also just received bad news on my insurance coverage. Apparently, they cover all the diagnosis tests (U/S, HSG, B/W). However, now that I'm about to head into the actual IUI process -- they don't cover it.

I don't qualify for Infertility Treatments. Therefore, the medication and the procedure (U/S, IUI) are not covered. I would need to pay for 6 months of medicated IUI cycles (since I'm 35) -- and have all of them be unsuccessful -- for them to cover anything.

To say I'm upset is an understatement. I have my CD3 U/S tomorrow and have to pay the costs up front of $925 for the entire process (U/S, IUI, sperm washing, etc). Then, I'd have to pay for the meds, which will be about $150. All out of pocket. If this cycle doesn't work, I will have to pay the full costs until a cycle takes or 6 months passes. This doesn't count the cost of donor sperm, of course. Ugh.

I'm going to move forward with this cycle. Praying that the first cycle takes. I'm not sure if I can justify 6 months worth of costs like this... They do have a financing option, which I'm not sure I want to take a loan out at this time...

I think it's unfair for insurance agencies to have a clause that prohibits fertility treatments for singles and/or same sex couples. I am going to try and appeal the decision, but I doubt I'll win.

Sorry for the rant! I literally just got off the phone with Insurance and the RE's office. Bummed.

Monday, March 30, 2015

IUI Cycle #1: CD1. And the journey finally BEGINS!

IUI Cycle #1: Protocol - Clomid (50 mg x 5 days),  HCG Trigger Shot, Progesterone Vaginal Suppositories. CD #1 3/30/15. 

  1. CD #1 of Cycle --> Schedule U/S. - DONE
  2. U/S (CD #2, 3 or 4). Scheduled for 4/1/15 @ 2:15pm (CD# 3).
  3. Clomid for 5 days. 
  4. Mid Cycle U/S (CD #11, 12, or 13)  
  5. HCG Trigger Shot (this will force ovulation in 40-42 hours) 
  6. IUI (after 36 hours from Trigger Shot) 
  7. Progesterone Vaginal Suppositories
  9. HCG Beta Test or AF
  10. 2nd HCG Beta Test (48 hours later)
Waiting for CD1

Well, things didn't go as "planned" - do they ever? AF decided to be late this month. 12 days late to be exact. Was expected on 3/18. Since my period didn't come, my RE put me on a medication "Provera". I took Provera for 10 days. I'm now wondering if I didn't take Provera if AF would've come sooner. I have to admit, I was extremely frustrated to have yet another delay to get started. I would've posted more about it, but it would've just been me whining and complaining and who wants to read about that. LOL. 

Unfortunately, I had a HORRIBLE reaction to Provera. Well - not really that "horrible", but a bad reaction. Every time I took it I was irritable and emotional, as in emotionally depressed. No bueno. 

I ended up taking it at night time to lower the impact of the meds. Makes me not excited to go on the fertility drugs, as now I'm worried on how they will impact me. Oh well! What can I do? Hoping I have a lucky cycle #1 and won't have to worry about taking these meds again. I am totally anti-medication. But here I am all medicated up! LOL. I'm sure all of this will be worth it when I'm holding my little one in my arms. 

I started spotting on Thursday, 3/26 -- but no real "flow". I've been spotting for 4 days. Frustrating doesn't even explain it. Every single day I was thinking "THIS IS THE DAY!" Then, nothing. I've been extremely irritable and short tempered these past few days. Not sure if it's due to HOPING for AF or if it's PMS. Ugh. Whine-whine-whine. 

Moving Forward

CD#1: Monday, March 30, 2015

Today I scheduled my first U/S to make sure I don't have any cysts in my ovaries. If there are cysts, the cycle will be cancelled. If there are no cysts, then we can move forward. The ultrasound is scheduled for April 1, 2015 at 2:15 p.m. 

Single Mothers by Choice (SMC)

There's an organization for women that choose to start a family on their own called "Single Mothers by Choice". I've been following a lot of fertility/infertility/assisted reproduction blogs/forums, but I was finding that I couldn't relate to their situations and they couldn't really relate to mine. I decided to go ahead and join SMC to get connected with other Single Mothers that are experiencing the same thing as I am. There are blogs, forums, and you can connect with Single Mothers locally. I'm waiting to receive my "Welcome Package". I hope it's worth it and that I'm able to get support from women that have or are going through what I'm going through. 

Going through this process isn't "unique" or "new". However, I don't know one other person that's chosen to do this. Perhaps people don't talk about it. Like I haven't really... I've only told a few friends. All I know is it would be great to be able to talk to someone that is in the same situation, experiencing the same things. This process can be frustrating and lonely in a way - since no one else is as invested in going through this and there's no one to share the daily extreme ups/downs with. 

Now... it's time to make a baby! Maybe in a month I'll be pregnant with my little miracle :) FX. 

Cheat Sheet - Acronyms:
RE: Reproductive Endocrinologist 
CD: Calendar Day 
IUI: Intrauterine Insemination 
U/S: Ultrasound 
TWW: Two Week Wait 
HCG: Pregnancy hormone
AF: Aunt Flow
dpIUI: number of "days post" IUI procedure 
BFP: Big Fat Positive. Positive Pregnancy test 
BFN: Big Fat Negative. Negative Pregnancy test 
EDD: Expected Day of Delivery 
SMC: Single Mothers by Choice 
FX: Fingers Crossed 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

And... STILL Waiting

<sigh> AF is late. It's funny, when you don't want her - she comes. When you do want her - she stays away! Darn irregular periods. 

Since AF is late, my RE prescribed some medication to trigger my period to come. Just started the medication yesterday. Will see when she decides to make an entrance. They said it should be within 10 days. 

So, the waiting continues! Ugh. It's hard being patient. Working on it though, trying to stay busy - but it's hard not focusing on it. The waiting is torture! 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Hurry Up and Wait - 14 more days until CD#1

I am anxious to get this cycle started!!! The days seem to be going slowly. 14 more days until I am going to get AF. 14 more days just to START the process. I just can't wait to actually be "doing" something instead of waiting and waiting and waiting.

I've printed a calendar to track this next cycle... also, "drafted" my blog entries! I feel like I'm waiting in line at the best ride at Disneyland. LOL.

I'm not impatient at all.... :)

Hurry up and wait time!