Tuesday, March 31, 2015


I also just received bad news on my insurance coverage. Apparently, they cover all the diagnosis tests (U/S, HSG, B/W). However, now that I'm about to head into the actual IUI process -- they don't cover it.

I don't qualify for Infertility Treatments. Therefore, the medication and the procedure (U/S, IUI) are not covered. I would need to pay for 6 months of medicated IUI cycles (since I'm 35) -- and have all of them be unsuccessful -- for them to cover anything.

To say I'm upset is an understatement. I have my CD3 U/S tomorrow and have to pay the costs up front of $925 for the entire process (U/S, IUI, sperm washing, etc). Then, I'd have to pay for the meds, which will be about $150. All out of pocket. If this cycle doesn't work, I will have to pay the full costs until a cycle takes or 6 months passes. This doesn't count the cost of donor sperm, of course. Ugh.

I'm going to move forward with this cycle. Praying that the first cycle takes. I'm not sure if I can justify 6 months worth of costs like this... They do have a financing option, which I'm not sure I want to take a loan out at this time...

I think it's unfair for insurance agencies to have a clause that prohibits fertility treatments for singles and/or same sex couples. I am going to try and appeal the decision, but I doubt I'll win.

Sorry for the rant! I literally just got off the phone with Insurance and the RE's office. Bummed.

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