There was SO MUCH INFO!!!! What's needed of me to get pregnant:
- Sperm - FDA Licensed Sperm Bank - CMV (If I'm positive - use any donor - If I'm negative, only CMV- donor.
- Eggs - Ovulating? Quality (age, ultrasound, hormones (FSH/LH/Estradid AMH). Check for PCOS.
- Tubes - HSG Test
- Uterus - Ultrasound (size, fibroids), HSG (shape), sonohysterogram (poly/fibroid).
We are going to try for a Natural Cycle IUI (intrauterine insemination). Basically, having washed sperm injected directly into the Uterus. Depending on test outcomes, will see if I have to have fertility drugs or triggers. Hoping not... but will see.
I am so excited! Hoping to have a baby boy or girl by the end of 2015.
I have a lot that I need to do in order to get started:
- Meet with a high risk OBGYN to talk about Diabetes management.
- Meet with a psychologist to discuss reasons and potential issues with pursing Artificial Insemination.
- Try to get my weight down
- Stop birth control pills (after package complete)
- Start pre-natal vitamins (December)
- Get my period (without Birth Control!) -- CALL and schedule appointment
- Do Testing and bloodworm -- Cycle Day (CD) #2 or #3.
- Pick a Sperm Bank
- Select a Donor
Here's to hoping and praying for my Baby C!! <3