Monday, November 3, 2014

"Even miracles take a little time." - Cinderella

I'm starting this new journey... the journey to have a baby. A few things about me that make having a baby a bit "nonconventional":

  • I'm single 
  • I'm almost 35 (which is considered OLD in baby-making terms) 
  • I am going to pursue Artificial Insemination (AI) with donor sperm (which is controversial) 
  • Some obstacles: I'm overweight and diabetic. 
I guess this is my PLAN B! 

Plan A looked like this: meet a man, fall in love, get married, have babies, live happily ever after. That didn't work out - AT ALL. 

If I were to be honest, I've been thinking about Plan B for a very long time. Perhaps up to 10 years now. My "What If" scenario. I always knew it was an option and I've changed my mind so many times. Yes, I'll do it when I turn 33! No, I'll adopt instead! Yes, I'll do it when I turn 34! No, my religion doesn't support single woman getting pregnant out of wedlock. 

My mind has been spinning and spinning on YES-NO reasons for a long time. FINALLY, I'm at a place where everything feels right and everything is pointing towards YES, pursue it. 

Initially, I was going to pursue AI last year right before I turned 34. However, I'm a foster parent. In December 2013 I received a new foster placement. He was only 4 days old at the time and his case plan wasn't very clear. It did not look like good odds that he would be going back to his birth parents or birth family. Here we are, almost a year later and it is looking more and more like I'll be able to adopt him. It is WAY too early to say YES, I'll be able to adopt him and be 100% for sure. Foster Care cases go up and down all the time.... so, you never know. He is my 7th foster child and this is the first time that I may have a potential adoption... Well, when my little man came into my life - I decided to postpone pursuing AI to see how things played out with his case. Now, we're to the point where I can pursue AI and there's a clearer "end" to finding permanency for my little guy through adoption (by me -hopefully!). 

I'm in a good place. I feel good. I feel ready. Most importantly, this feels RIGHT. This blog will follow me through my journey, ups and downs (hopefully more UPS!) through the AI process. Additionally, I'll be using this blog to share my story of my foster son. Hopefully by the end of all this - I'll be holding my new baby in my arms and I'll be able to call my little guy my forever son :) 

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