Friday, September 7, 2018

IVF #4: Baseline Ultrasound + Bloodwork

My cycle is officially underway... kinda. 

Waiting for AF

AF finally came 11 days after my last provera pill. I always wonder if provera stalls my period from coming naturally and delays it. 

When AF finally came, I made the call to my RE to schedule my baseline ultrasound and blood work. It’s so strange... but it was really exciting to schedule my appointment and to begin prepping for my cycle. 

Baseline Ultrasound 

My ultrasound was with a different RE. She’s the newest RE at my fertility clinic and was there for one of my IVF procedures when she first started. She’s nice and all, but I really do prefer my RE. Interestingly enough, I had 9 follicles - 6 on the right and 3 on the left... which is the same number of follicles I started with when I had my one and only retrieval. 

Blood Work 

Had massive blood work taken....! Interested to see what the results show with my AMH & FSH. I really do hate having my blood drawn. 

IVF Calendar 

No “official” IVF calendar yet... they started me on birth control, which I’m supposed to take from 9/4 until 9/17. I’m only taking the active birth control pills. Then, I’m supposed to call when I start my next period. After that — I am supposed to get my “real” in-depth IVF calendar. 

I scheduled the saline ultrasound for 9/10. 


It kind of feels surreal starting down the IVF path again. I guess it’ll start feeling more “real” when I start injections. But right now... it just feels far away - if that makes sense! Life is so busy with my boys and work, which keeps me pretty occupied. 

My oldest son keeps talking about having a baby sister and also has said he wants another baby brother. He brings it up himself from time to time, which is interesting! 

I am most anxious to see how the cycle turns out... I’m not sure how many times I’m willing or able to go through IVF this time. I’m really hoping that 1 retrieval will do the trick. 

I remember going into my fertility clinic when I first started and seeing all the pictures of babies on the walls... I have to say, seeing the pictures still brings so much emotion out of me. Babies are such miracles... and it’s pretty amazing how fertility clinics help these miracles come into the world. 

My miracle IVF baby is a happy and healthy 15 month old now! 

So grateful and thankful  for my boys. 

Next Steps: Sonohysterogram (Saline ultrasound) on 9/10/18 

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