Thursday, February 24, 2011

Adoption Class

Last night was my official last class in PS-MAPP, it was on Adoption. We had a guest speaker come and talk to us. She was adopted when she was 3 months. She explained her experience, she has 4 other adopted brothers/sisters. She went over why and how she searched for her birth family and her experience with that.

It was a good class, really went over the reality of those wanting to adopt from the State and how the process works, the financial aspect, and the legal component. It was eye opening.

I'm not looking to go straight into adoption. I am going to be licensed for Foster care for two children from 5-14 years of age. However, I took the adoption class just in case I have children in my care and they become eligible for adoption - I will have the option to pursue adoption and not have to take the class later.

There is some stuff going on with the State of Arizona where they are trying to make it where preference is giving to married couples for adoption and trying to eliminate/make it hard for single persons to adopt. I think that's a horrible mistake for the State and that it will cost them more money in the long run. I'm going to look into it more and see if I can write my State representatives.

Next week I have my home inspection from OCLR. I also have CPR class. After that, one more home visit from my agency. Then - I'm completely done with the licensing process. There is still some outstanding paper work that is out of my control, that we have to wait for. Only two items - so should come in during March sometime. After I'm licensed I'm going to take some additional classes that they offer at my agency. There is a requirement to take a certain number of classes to get your license renewed from year to year.

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