Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Sperm Banks Galore

I CHOSE A SPERM BANK!!! It wasn't easy. Have you seen the options out there?! My goodness. There are soon many options out there and it is hard to choose.

I chose: Seattle Sperm Bank

For Seattle Sperm Bank, they let you pay $50 and you have access to full profiles for 3 months! Very good deal compared to other sperm banks. Now, I'm narrowing down donors! Can't choose until after all my tests in January. Need my CMV results and such.

Factors in choosing a sperm bank:

  1. Open to contact / policy 
  2. Cost per vial / shipping 
  3. Sperm Count (minimum 10mil) 
  4. Offspring Limits 
  5. Types of Donor Screening 
  6. Variety of Donors 
I have to admit --- costs played a HUGE factor in picking. There's no way to know how many cycles I'll have to do before I get pregnant and I need something affordable. They also have a "donor of the month" where you buy 1 vial - get 1 free. Good deal considering the $$. 

If cost wasn't a factor, I may have gone for one of the bigger sperm banks as they have more of a selection. 

Who know sperm would be so expensive and such a market?! It was interesting to research it and read reviews. So crazy. 

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