Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day 2016: First as a Forever Family

Today was my first "official" Mother's Day, the first after the adoption of Little Guy. I wish I could say that I felt different or it was an extra special day or something. But it wasn't! It was just a normal day for us.

Last night, my foster agency had a "foster parent appreciation night." I received a recognition award, which was nice of them. With the event being so late, we didn't get home until late and the boys went to sleep later than normal.

This morning, Little Guy was a little grump - not wanting to wake up! He's normally very happy, but he likes his 10-12 hours of sleep and he didn't get that. But he's so funny because he quickly snapped out of it and was in his happy-go-lucky mood before I knew it. I would have let him sleep in, but we had to leave for church.

We went to Mass with Little Guy's Ninong and her family, bright and early at 8am! Then we went to brunch with his Ninong and her daughters. It was a cute little breakfast place and the food was yummy. I love seeing Little Guy with his Ninong and her daughters. They love on him and he enjoys spending time with them. It makes my heart feel so wonderful seeing how many people love my son. By the time we got home, it was time for nap time. The boys were extra tired and went down for nap relatively quickly. They both slept for 3.5 hours!! Which meant I got to take a nap for 3.5 hours! Woohoo! LOL. Really... if I can't sleep in past 6am on Mother's Day, a 3.5 hour nap is the next best thing that I could ever ask for :)

The rest of the day was uneventful, did our normal stuff - play outside, dinner, bath time.

Today I decided to do their foot prints right before bath. I want to make Mother's Day cards for their birth mothers. Silly me, used archival ink ---!!! It's all I had. Eeek! With a toddler and an almost-toddler, the ink got everywhere in the bathroom. Little footprints all over the bathtub...!

How do you get archival ink out?

I tried alcohol pads. Those worked, but they were so small -- couldn't clean up the entire mess.
I tried nail polish remover = did not work.
I tried rubbing alcohol = did not work.
I tried dish soap = did not work.
I tried hair spray = did not work.

At this point I was convinced I would have little black ink footprints all over my bath tub forever. The clean freak in me was quietly freaking out.

Then I Googled some more and finally came across Toothpaste. Thought, what the heck - let me give it a try. Can you believe that the toothpaste worked???!!! I used an entire tube on the bathtub. It picked up most of it. There's still some ink marks that just wouldn't lift. I'll need to apply more toothpaste later and scrub some more.

I wish I would've figured out the toothpaste thing sooner, as the boys both have ink-marked feet!! LOL. Oh my. I guess I'll try putting toothpaste on their feet tomorrow and see if it comes off.

Well, good intentions and all - next time I'll be better about it and not use archival ink!

Not to mention, Little Guy went poopoo on the potty! This was officially his THIRD time. Yay!

Anways, that was my uneventful Mother's Day.

Truth be told, I'm grateful every day for my son and for Munchkin. Not to mention my other foster babies that have come and left throughout the years. Being a single mom, I don't get "breaks" unless I pay for a babysitter! It's not always "easy" and there are challenges, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I'm so used to it and it's all I know, I'm not sure if I even think about the "no break single mom" thing anymore.

I love being a mom. I love being a foster mom. Not just on Mother's Day, but every single day. So, I don't get to sleep in past 6am ---ever. LOL. I don't get to be pampered or get breakfast in bed. Whatever. Those things don't matter to me. I look at my boys and I feel grateful. I think of all of my foster children and I feel grateful. Not to mention that I get to look into my son's eyes every single day and feel like the luckiest mama ever.

Highlights of the day: Brunch, 3.5 hour nap, spending time with my boys, Little Guy going poopoo on the potty, and the power of toothpaste! Can life get any better ;)

Happy Mother's Day to all the lucky Mama's out there!

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