Friday, June 17, 2016

IVF #3 (Cycle 10): Cycle is a "Go" for now

As I mentioned in my last post, AF decided not to show up. I'm supposed to start my cycle by 6/19 to have a July retrieval.

I took Provera for 5 days, last pill was last Sunday -- and now it's Friday. Still nothing. I contacted my RE's office on Wed (as instructed) and they told me to wait until today to call if AF still hasn't arrived. When I called today, they said they wanted me to come in for an ultrasound. 

I ended up leaving work early to make my appointment. Good news: no cysts on my ovaries. Also, my RE said my lining is at about 10mm and I *should* start bleeding soon. If I don't start bleeding by Monday, I'm supposed to call back & get the start time for starting birth control. 

My RE said he's ok with starting the IVF cycle even if AF doesn't come, since there's nothing crazy going on (i.e. Cysts). They did take a blood sample to check my progrsterone and estrogen levels. 

He's counting the ultrasound today as my baseline ultrasound. So even if I do start AF, I won't have to go in for monitoring until right before I start stims. 

My antral follicle count was looking good. About 7-8 follicles on the right and about 7 on the left. Which is way better than I had for my last IVF cycle. 

I guess I'm back on the IVF bandwagon. It feels like it's been forever since I've seen my RE and forever since I've  cycled. But it's just like riding a bike (unfortunately). 

I surprisingly have about a $1400 credit at my clinic! Guess the insurance paid more than they estimated. Right now I have double insurance coverage, so I'm hoping the costs will be way down. Will see.... I should get another cost estimate next week. 

It's so weird how "normal" it feels to be going through IVF. I love my RE and the clinic, but I'm so looking forward to the day my RE says I'm released to a OBGYN! Oh... I hope the day comes soon. 

This IVF cycle will be a freeze-all and I'm going to PGS test all my new eggs. I was thinking about not testing my 2 frozen... But I think my RE has talked me into testing those too. I'm hoping and praying for really good results. Then maybe do an Endo scratch in August with a FET in September. 

Will see how it all goes! Fingers crossed for a successful IVF #3 egg retrieval with a lot of embryos to test and great PGS result.

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