Thursday, December 17, 2015

2nd Birthday!

This month we celebrated Little Guy's 2nd Birthday! Can't believe my baby is already 2 years old. Time is going by too quickly. 

Birthday - Day

What's interesting about the whole Adoption thing is now, we can create our own Family traditions! For Little Guy's 1st Birthday, we were in Florida on vacation - so we did stuff like go to Disney World, Chuck-E-Cheese, Kennedy Space Center, the beach, etc. 

This year, there wasn't so much go-go-go. Which was REALLY nice! I think I like the laid-back aspect of really just enjoying his birthday. The week before his birthday I would tell him, "You're going to be 2 years old in X days!" Being the toddler that he is, he would say, "NO!" when I told him that. LOL. 

On his birthday, once Little Guy woke up, I went into his room singing Happy Birthday to him with a chocolate chip cookie slice. 

He then opened his birthday presents that were from me and from some foster care organizations that provide birthday presents to foster kids. I gave him a scooter for his birthday. He's still learning how to use it! 

Then for breakfast, I cooked home-made pancakes and sang Happy Birthday to him again :) 

Then, we made his cake together. He helped crack the eggs, mix the ingredients into the bowl, and mix the batter. He really liked the hand mixer! For dinner, I sang him Happy Birthday again :) 

The Party

Birthday Theme: Thomas the Train 

Birthday Party Location: Local Gym, where the kids can run around on the equipment.

Little Guy's party was the day after his actually birthday. For Little Guy's party, I purchased these cute invites on Etsy. Then, printed them from home on card stock. I'm really loving the Etsy thing these past few months! 

Some pictures from the venue: 

Purchased this cake for the party: 

We had a lot of friends make it out for his birthday party, which was amazing :) All the kids had fun playing at the gym. I'm just reminded how blessed we are to have such wonderful people in our lives. We are so lucky. He received some really fun toys, books, and cool clothes. I am always amazed at how generous our friends are. Really, their presence at his party was gift enough for us.

Here are our Thank You cards that we sent to everyone (bought at Party City). I'm happy I was able to get them out within 2 weeks from the party! I normally take a little bit longer to mail Thank You's out... if they get mailed at all! I included a group picture of the kids at the party and also a picture of Little Guy opening the gift they provided. 

Overall, Little Guy's 2nd Birthday was a lot of fun. We started some new family traditions and got to celebrate with our friends.

I still get tears in my eyes when I think about him being my Forever Son. There are going to be so many more birthdays to share together. I'm so grateful. Sometimes I wish I could press the PAUSE button and enjoy him while he's still little. But at the same time, I'm so amazed at the wonderful little person he's becoming. My Little Guy, I love him to pieces. How did I get so lucky to be his Mama?

I'm already planning Birthday #3! I'm thinking the Zoo would be a fun venue for him and his friends. 

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