Wednesday, January 6, 2016

IVF #2 (Cycle 8): IVF Calendar!

I was surprised that I received an email yesterday with my IVF Calendar! At my baseline U/S appointment, they said that it would take at least a week to receive it.

Good things about receiving the calendar early: I can plan! I can put together my own Excel IVF Calendar (which I prefer over the one my RE gives me). It satisfies my OCD compulsion to plan ahead and calendarize.

The problem with the calendar? It had the wrong protocol! It had the Luteal Lupron Protocol, which I was on for IVF Cycle #1. When I had my consult last month, we discussed moving me to the Lupron Microdose Flare Protocol. There's no way I want to do the same protocol and risk another cancelled IVF cycle.

I emailed the nurse last night to inquire about it. Thankfully, she was quick to respond this morning. She told me she would talk to my RE and get back to me.

One reason I'm very happy I keep a blog on my fertility treatments is that I track almost everything that happens at my appointments. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have noticed the protocol wasn't correct. Very thankful that I keep track of these things so closely, OCD tendencies and all.

By the end of the day, I received the following from my RE's Office:

  • Copy of the Consent Forms and Waivers
  • New IVF Calendar with the Lupron Microdose Flare Protocol listed!
  • Copy of Requested Medications sent to my Pharmacy

Believe it or not, I actually already received a call from the pharmacy! Last cycle, this was an issue and I barely received everything on time for my injections class. The pharmacy called before I received the medication listing. I'm going to call them back tomorrow to place the order. I have some left-over meds from IVF Cycle #1 and want to do an inventory before I place my order. Also, I have plenty of time before I really need them, so I don't feel rushed this go-around.

What's odd and strange is: it seems to be happening so quickly! I've been waiting and waiting and waiting. But at the same time, it feels so far away. I don't start anything really until February... I'm sure January is going to fly by.

I want to continue to do Acupuncture, but I just don't know if I have the time and flexibility to do it! My acupuncturist is 45 min - 1 hour away from my house. Makes it hard now that I'm back to work and don't have as much flexibility. If I go, I have to find a babysitter - which means extra $$. I'm going to think about this a little more and see what the best choice is.

New IVF Calendar:

Next Steps: 
  1. Call Pharmacy and order medication. 
  2. 1/25/16 @ 10:15 a.m. Injections Training, Signing of Consent Forms, and Payment Due. Possible Ultrasound. 

For more details on my IVF process, see my IVF Calendar/Timeline.

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