Monday, September 26, 2016

FET #2 (Cycle 11): The Two Week Wait, 4dp5dFET

I have to admit, I've been thinking a lot about whether or not I will test early. I'm tempted to test early so I'll "know" earlier. But at the same time, I'm worried about getting a false positive again. Luckily my Beta test is at 8dp5dFET, instead of 9dp. Trust me, one day earlier makes a huge difference. Originally I was thinking I was not going to test early. But after stressing about it even before my transfer, I decided that yes - yes I will POAS. And I'll do it many-many times. No restraint for me.

Technically, I transferred two Day 6 embryos.  But my clinic counts it like it's a Day 5 transfer. 

I had all this anxiety around my transfer and then when I had the transfer, it was like the anxiety disappeared... now, I am curious about how this cycle will end... but I don't have much anxiety over it, if that makes sense. 

PIO Fun 

As normal, PIO has become a pain. I had my first experience with finding blood in the needle when I pulled out. I also had my first crazy blood gusher this cycle. It got everywhere. Ugh. I'm very sore and am running out of room to inject as I'm getting bruises everywhere. <sigh> My least favorite part of it all.


This entire cycle I've felt sick. Nauseous, migraines, tummy aches, food aversions. It's the strangest thing. Not sure what's different about this cycle that's caused this. But I haven't felt 100% since August. I don't think these are early pregnancy signs since I've been having them since August. It'd be nice to feel myself again...! But if this cycle works, I'll take feeling sick over anything else. 

At Least 1 Good Egg?

I remember when I had my failed fresh transfer in February and I had my WTF meeting with my RE, he had said, "I believe there's at least 1 baby out of the 4 embryos." Now we are at the end of these 4 embryos. Let's see if he's right... with my age, 60% of my eggs should have been "normal" statistically without having done genetic testing. Round up or round down? We know 2 transfers definitely didn't work, which leaves 50% of my eggs in this cycle. Both good? Only 1 good? Even if they're good, will they implant?

That is the million dollar question...

I can't believe that I only have one more appointment this cycle...

Blood work today:

Progesterone: ? Didn't post for some reason
E2: 775
Portal Message: No Changes

I've been scouring the Internet with FET stories and faint HPT stories. Also reading up on implantation signs. According to this nifty calendar, implantation should have happened by today.  So, we shall see.

I normally have a "gut" feeling on my cycles. Thinking they either worked or didn't. Obviously the gut feeling on them not working were accurate! There were a few cycles where I was convinced that they worked. 10000%. Obviously I was wrong!! Lol. This time... not sure. Of course I want it to work, but my gut is telling me nothing! Only a few days left until I know-know. 

Next Steps: 
  • 9/30/16: Beta Test 
Click the hyperlink for more details on FET #2IVF Cycles, or TTC journey.

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