Friday, September 16, 2016

FET #2 (Cycle 11): Monitoring Appointment #2 - Transfer is a GO!

I'm at the point in my cycle where I'm obsessively thinking about my FET. Doesn't matter how busy I am, it's on my mind - constantly. Non-stop. 24-7. I don't remember if I was this intense or not on my last cycles. I've been trying to keep busy, but it doesn't matter - my mind and heart are "all in" about this FET. All in with my last two embryos from IVF #2. I remember feeling so optimistic and happy with the results of that cycle and thinking I was just so much closer to having a baby. My very last 2 embryos, my day 6-ers that trudged to the blastocyst stage, is all that's left of that cycle and of all my IVF tries thus far. It feels like a huge deal to me. If this doesn't work, I have to start over. All over. Do it all again. My mind just can't wrap around that concept just yet... 

I'll know in 14 days if this cycle works or not. My beta is on 9/30. Crazy. Two more weeks until I can know what my next few months are going to look like. It's almost like holding my breath! The anticipation makes me so anxious, which I know have to do with the meds. I've been very emotional during this FET. I watched Disney's Brave and cried like a baby! Darn fertility meds and their emotionally induced side-effects. 

PIO Arrived 

My PIO order arrived. I'll have to inject 2ml starting tomorrow. 2ml= 100mg of progesterone. I always like ordering through the local pharmacy because they include the sterile pads and bandaids. Which is so very nice, especially for PIO when there is usually more blood that comes out of the injection site. 

Estrace Ordering Drama

I had a very difficult time ordering the Estrace! My pharmacy (which filled this prescription before) was confused on why it needed to be taken vaginally vs orally. Which I guess I get, because the normal use of the medication is orally. But it delayed  me getting the medication by 2 days. Luckily I had some Estrace from my prior FET #1 cycle. Otherwise, I would have been out of luck and it could've really impacted my cycle. 

Monitoring Appointment 

My monitoring appointment went well this morning! My lining is great and my E2 is great. I even was able to visually see the triple layer on my uterine lining on the ultrasound. I normally can't really see it, but it was very clear today. I had the nurse draw "X's" on my behind, so it'll be easier to aim for my PIO shots. I tried it once without having anything I think I aimed too high. Injecting PIO on my own isn't "easy" and the X's really help when I'm twisted around trying to find a spot for the needle. 

Monitoring Results: 

Uterine Lining: 11.92 mm
E2: 1087.5
Portal Message: No changes to your medications! Please continue your most current dosing and continue to follow the calendar instructions at this time. See you at your next appointment for transfer. If you have any questions please feel free to call us. 

My stats are very similar to my FET #1 cycle


I feel like I've probably exhausted all of my "feelings" at this point during my TTC journey. There's nothing really "new" to add at this juncture. I'll just say that I hope the next two weeks go by really quickly. I want to know if this cycle is going to work. 

I'm excited and weary at the same time. I'm optimistic and pessimistic at the same time. There's so many emotions swirling around in my heart that sometimes I think I'll be completely devastated if this FET doesn't work. Other times my mind tells me that I'll manage either way and do what I have to do. 

Maybe it's a little bit of all of it. Underneath it all there's HOPE. Hope that it'll work. Hope that one of my little frostie embies will grow and develop into my baby. 

The countdown begins... 1 day before I start PIO, 6 days until my FET, 14 days until my Beta test. Here we go! 

Next Steps: 
  • 9/22/16: FET #2 
  • 9/26/16: Progesterone Blood Test 
  • 9/30/16: Beta Test 
Click the hyperlink for more details on FET #2IVF Cycles, or TTC journey.

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