Sunday, April 26, 2015

IUI Cycle #1: The torturous Two Week Wait - Week 2

Here are my confessions from Week 2 of the Two Week Wait (TWW). See here for my ramblings during Week 1 of the TWW. 

I REALLY convinced myself that I would not test early. Who am I kidding? Did I really think I would be able to wait 14 whole days? My big confession: I TESTED EARLY! Which in retrospect, I don't regret! It was actually kind of fun POAS and squinting at 3am to see if there *may* be an extremely faint line on the test. Ok, maybe not "fun" - but it was a new experience for me! 

CD23 - 8dpIUI (4/21/15): 

Still the dreaded late night pee-fest going on. 
Still insomnia. 
Still tired (will it ever end?). 
Still irritable. 

Whine-whine-whine or wine? No wine - not yet anyways! POM Juice is growing on me though - there's a positive! It's not as disgusting as the first few days. I've also consulted with the Google-Oracle and was advised that the peeing in the middle of the night thing can be related to the Progesterone. Joy-joy. 

Since I decided to "test early" I started having concerns that my Trigger Shot (which has HCG the pregnancy hormone) would still be in my system. Let me explain the Trigger Shot. 

Trigger Shot

The Pregnyl Trigger Shot has HCG, which is the pregnancy hormone. The Trigger Shot induces ovulation, it's supposed to help with the IUI "Timing" and control when you ovulate to coincide with your IUI procedure. Once you inject HCG into your body, you'll get a "Positive" pregnancy test. Home pregnancy tests read HCG levels. Since I had my Trigger Shot on 4/12 and had 10,000 IU -- if I tested last week, I would have had a positive test since the HCG was still in my system. The HCG can stay in your system for up to 14 days, it really varies per woman and there are a lot of factors that go into it (your fluid intake, etc). 

Therefore, I decided I will "test out my trigger". What does that mean? It means testing early to see if I get a positive or negative pregnancy test to see if the Trigger Shot is out of my system. If I get a positive - then that means the trigger shot is still in my system (it's too early to have a positive right now). I would need to test every day until I get a negative. If I get a negative, then the HCG is out of my system (this is what I'm hoping for). 

Originally I was going to avoid this "overly testing" thing. But, I want to test early this weekend...! I just want to know! For some reason these 14 days seem to be lasting an eternity. So, testing out the trigger is unavoidable at this point to make sure I don't get a false positive. Let's see if I can keep my emotions in check on this testing thing. 

CD24 - 9dpIUI (4/22/15):  

On the SMC board that I'm following for ladies having IUI/IVF for the month of April, we just had two ladies that had positive home pregnancy tests!!! So happy for them! Hopefully the Baby Dust is being generous and I will get a BFP in a few days! 

I have to admit, buying pregnancy tests at the store was weird! I was trying to act all nonchalant about it, but it felt awkward. I was analyzing each brand/box. I decided to go with a generic (cheaper) Target brand and the First Response (which I've heard great things about). Of course the cashier was pregnant... been running into a lot of pregnant people lately! 

This morning I POAS (Peed on a stick) and here are the results: Negative. This is good, this is what I wanted. Now I know that the HCG is out of my system. 

Since implantation happens between 7-10 days, it takes about 2 days for the HCG to build in your system. However, the reason that everyone says "DON'T TEST EARLY!" is because you may get a false negative by testing early since home pregnancy tests can normally only detect an HCG level of >50. This website explains it really well. 

I thought it would be weird to get a "negative" even though I *know* even if I am pregnant right now -- that it wouldn't come back positive. But it actually wasn't bad at all. It was just weird, like I POAS every day - no big deal. LOL. I am worried that now that I've done ONE test that I'll be a test-a-holic!! I won't lie, I probably will test on 11dpIUI and 12dpIUI and 13dpIUI and even 14pIUI... Ugh. I'm officially addicted. 

At a Toastmasters meeting last night, there was a good quote that just reminded me that my baby will come in God's timing. When it happens, it will be PERFECT and as it should be
"Everything that happens happens as it should, and if you observe carefully, you will find this to be so." 
- Marcus Aurelius
CD25 - 10dpIUI (4/23/15):  

During this TWW, I've had moments where I was thinking "I'm pregnant!!!" Then others where I was thinking "It didn't work..." Soon I will know which feeling was correct... just 4 more days until my Beta. So, I should be able to hold off POAS, right? I thought my new mantra would be: I will not test. Alas, I woke up this morning for my daily "3am middle of the night pee" and thought -- why not?! Well, secretly I had already laid out the test in the bathroom before I went to sleep just in case I had the inkling to test...! I know, so bad! 

I had no expectations. So I POAS, this time I use the First Response with the thought that it is more accurate than the generic brands. After I POAS, I didn't really see anything and thought "Oh, it's early to test anyways. A negative result is expected. I might not be pregnant this cycle or I might get a positive later on." Then my 3am eyes adjusted a little bit and I started to SQUINT and turn the pregnancy test this way and that. I now know what they mean when they say "Eye Lines"! I was thinking, it's not all white (which is a negative test). Squinted some more and saw an extremely faint line. Thoughts

  • it can be my imagination
  • it can be an evaporation line (but it was within a few minutes when it appeared)
  • maybe it's still my trigger shot?
  • or possibly - maybe - it can be a very faint BFP?

 It's hard to see in the picture, but here it is: 

In real life, it looks like a very faint pink line. I'm not going to jump to conclusions that I have my BFP. I am HOPING it is my BFP... but I know I'm testing too early. Most people don't get their BFP until >12dpIUI. Will I test tomorrow? ABSOLUTELY. I am now a bonafied POAS-a-holic. 

For obsessive TWW-ers, like myself, this website shows the odds of getting a positive test result. There are stats and samples of home pregnancy tests at various stages of the TWW. For 10 days post IUI (or ovulation) "Faint Positives" about 25% of women reported they got the faint line. While 31% get negative tests. I've read that even a really light line can mean a positive because it detects HCG in your system and straight negatives are "plain white with no indication of a line."  

Bottom Line: I am "hopeful," but I'm trying to keep my expectations in check - which I'm not being successful at so far! I want to be cautiously optimistic at the moment. 

CD26 - 11dpIUI (4/24/15): 

I tested again today, the line was lighter than it was yesterday. So I'm thinking maybe I'm not pregnant this cycle... Will have to see how the blood work comes back. It's still really early to be testing, but the line should be getting darker - not lighter.

How do I feel? Not totally disappointed yet. I really do trust that my baby will come when he/she is supposed to. I'm holding onto that thought!

Symptom wise: still having progesterone side-effects. Still very tired. I also started cramping yesterday. Could AF be coming? But it's really early for AF cramps.  I'm not due for AF for another week. Hmmm. It's a bit weird having your body act differently than normal. Not sure if it's fertility drugs, AF, or signs of pregnancy. 

CD27 - 12dpIUI (4/25/15): 

I'm convinced that I'm not pregnant at this point. I'm getting AF cramps (still early for me). No AF yet because I'm still taking the progesterone (which can delay AF). But I'm pretty positive that I'm not pregnant.
CD28 - 13dpIUI (4/26/15):  

The TWW is finally headed to an "end". It felt like the longest two weeks I've ever lived through!! I had so much going on, but this waiting thing is no joke. I constantly thought about this, googled more than I ever googled. I'm pretty sure that I'm not pregnant. I think the false positive I got was probably remnants of my HCG Trigger Shot. When I tested out my trigger shot, it was on a cheap test. The one I got the faint positive on was a better early pregnancy indicator. 

Do I regret testing early? Not at all. It can feel like things are out of your control just "waiting" and not knowing. Not even knowing if the sperm met the egg! Yet, you have to wait and wait and wait. With testing, I felt like "At least I'm doing something actionable!" Illogical as that sounds, it made me feel better. Tomorrow is the blood work and the official Beta test that will confirm it. 

I'm going to stop the progesterone today in hopes that my period will come in a few days. Since I'm getting all these cramps, I figure my period will come in 2-3 days from stopping the progesterone. 

In my mind, I'm onto cycle #2 already - checking my calendar. I have some travel coming up, so it'll be ideal if I can start AF this week in order to get everything in before I leave town. 

How do I feel? I feel a little disappointed... I'm sure everyone that goes through IUI hopes that they'll be some of the lucky one that get a BFP on the first cycle! I know I was really hoping for that! 

I still have some slimmer of a hope that maybe - possibly - the Beta will be positive. But really, it's just grasping at straws at this point. I actually feel OK with it in a way. 

I still believe it WILL happen and will happen when it's supposed to happen! Have to stay positive at this juncture, it's a tough road to travel down at times. Still Praying for Baby C! 

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