Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Update on my foster babies

It's been awhile since I posted an update on my foster babies. It's been extremely busy with these two little ones.

Little Guy

My Little Guy is doing really well! Nothing terribly new on his case. We are getting a new Case Manager. This will be Case Manager #3. We also have a new judge. This will be Judge #2. Not to mention we have a new ADA (Assistant District Attorney) #2 or #3. Lots of changes! I suppose it's to be expected, he's been in care for 15 months and his case is STILL going. I haven't heard from the new Case Manager yet, I'm sure he/she will touch-base in the next few weeks or so.

We have a court hearing next month, which I don't expect much to happen at. The hearing/trial in May is the BIG one and will determine next steps (hopefully the adoption path will be clearer at that point).

Other than that, he is the funniest little person I know! He loves to laugh, is starting to RUN, wants to get his way and do what he wants, has his little toddler tantrums, and is so inquisitive. His little personality is so precious. Love my Little Guy :)

Little Miss

First the good! Little Miss has adjusted extremely well. From Day 1 to today, she has come so far. She finds stability in structure and routine, she's happier, and I believe she feels secure. She has identified me as her primary care giver and I hear "Mommy, Mama, or Mom" all the time. Her behaviors are starting to become more age appropriate.

She has had a lot of appointments... a lot of specialists... a lot of intakes. I swear, she has had more appointments than any of my other children. Her appointments look like they will be on-going too. It's the most complex case I've ever had with a foster child. Not to mention, the case may last up to two years... Which is just sad and crazy. Imagine, she'll be 4 years old before finding permanency. Something just seems wrong with that. Originally they had told me that she would be "short term", 3-6 months. Ummm, yeah right. That is one reason why I had agreed to take her...

The bad. Parenting Little Miss is a challenge. Being a foster child, she is constantly battling with me and testing me, trying to push my limits. I know this is all "normal" for foster kids to do these things, I've had my other foster kids do this as well. However, it doesn't make it easier to parent. It does become tiring. I just try to remain consistent and try my best not to react / stay calm. Little Miss is the Queen of the high pitch tantrum scream, that's for sure! When she's on one, it reverberates throughout the ENTIRE house. No joke.

I do feel very committed to Little Miss... to get her all the services she needs and to make sure that we work on bonding/attachment. Plus, seeing her with Little Guy - they are so adorable together! They get along so well and really love one another.

There is a part of me that wonders though, if I do get pregnant with Baby C - if I'll be able to keep up with Little Miss's appointments. Being single with 2 toddlers is not a cake walk! Then the reality of being single and having two toddlers with a newborn... hmmm.

I want to say "I can do it!" But really, I have no clue how my body will react to being pregnant or if I'll have any complications.

I would never feel right disrupting a foster placement... However, WHEN I get pregnant - I'll have to see if there are any medical complications and if I can maintain my care for Little Miss... The most important thing as a foster parent is making sure you're meeting your foster child's needs. If anything would hinder that, then it would be in her best interest to be moved to another foster home.    This is another thing I'd have to take one day at a time, as I got through the IUI process & hopefully get my BFP.

The plan right now is: I'll keep her until she finds permanency.

Perhaps you're wondering about Little Guy in all this? Well, I'm hoping to adopt him! I've had him since birth and he truly is an easy child. I always had Little Guy in mind when planning for Baby C, making sure there was at least 2 years age difference between them - which right now, is going as planned. I can't imagine my life without him. Hoping to be able to call him my forever son by year end.

Well, that's the long and the short of it. Things are going well, but there are challenges. We are busy-busy and my calendar looks like a war zone! But in all honesty, it's pretty smooth in the day-to-day having the two of them. I am thinking, "I can have 3 kids as a single mom!" LOL. Wish me luck and maybe say a little prayer for us ;-)

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