Monday, April 20, 2015

Visit from Social Worker for Little Guy & More Visitation Frustration!

As a foster parent, sometimes the worse part of fostering is having such little control on what happens to your foster children.

Visitation Frustration - AGAIN

This time it relates to Little Guy. I know that there's a "network" of people that contribute to one child... yet, sometimes we are faced with such incompetence from certain people - it's infuriating. For example, Little Guy's new Parent Aide -- useless. This is Parent Aid #3 or something. But man, she's absolutely useless.

She picks him up late, he gets to the visit late, so she keeps him late at the visit. This is ok every now and then - not every-single-visit! Every single one! I'm not exaggerating.

Then she complains that he's tired or slept through a portion of the visit. Seriously? His visits are during his morning nap -- so he misses his morning nap on visit days. Then she drops him off LATE, making his afternoon nap shorter. Poor baby boy needs the sleep! She has the right to complain about it when it's her own incompetence that is aiding to his sleepiness?! Grrrr.

Then she has the audacity to say, "This is the first time in 3 weeks he hasn't had a runny nose." Uh, duh - he's been sick. Kids get sick. Kids get runny noses. Kids pass germs between each other. It happens. It's not odd or strange or different for a child to have a runny nose. Not to mention that he has a compromised immune system due to his "history" so is more likely to get sick and take longer to kick it. Grrrr.

This is the person that is trusted to transport my Little Guy 2x's a week for 45 minutes, one-way. It's so frustrating that I can't just say "NO - YOU will not transport him!" I have no say whatsoever. Additionally, she is trusted to write notations to the court/judge. A person that can't even show up on time and can't even remember my Little Guy's name! Yeah, you read that right. She dropped him off one time and said "Here's XX" -- which wasn't his name! She got it wrong 3x's. Ugh.

I need to pray about this. I just hope that once severance happens, visitations will stop. This is ridiculous. And these darn fertility drugs!!! I'm an emotional mess over this :(

Visit from Social Worker

We have another court hearing next week for Little Guy. It's a Pre-Trial / Report & Review (R&R). I don't expect anything to happen at the hearing, as the severance trial is set for next month... It's finally *almost* here. However, I get nervous each hearing because you never know if something is going to come out of the blue and impact the case.

A big issue: I have no clue who the new Client Manager (CM) is for my Little Guy! Received an email late last month that the CM was leaving and I would be contacted the next week by the new CM. Now a month has gone by and no new CM has contacted me. Not good. I just hope that this does not impact the case any. I would hate for this to drag out even longer...!

Imagine, Little Guy has been in care for 16 months now. The case plan changed in May 2014... almost a year ago! Yet, the case is still going. Why? Technicalities. There's something wrong with that. It shouldn't take this long to find permanency, especially in this scenario. 

Praying things move swiftly from this point on & permanency doesn't take longer than needed. 

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