Thursday, September 10, 2015

IUI Cycle #5: Follicle Stimulation

This cycle, I'm continuing the "mini stimulation" protocol: Using Clomid and an FSH Injectable. I'm using Gonal-F (instead of Bravelle) this cycle. Injectable FSH brand names in the US are: Follistim, Gonal-F, Bravelle, Menopur, Repronex. Supposedly they all do the same thing. I'm actually hoping that this slight change, from Bravelle to Gonal-F, will make a positive difference.

The hope for this cycle by the mid-cycle ultrasound is: 3 mature follicles >18mm and uterine lining >8mm.

CD 3-7: Clomid, 100 mg 

The Clomid was not fun this round. I was more short-tempered than previous Clomid-induced rounds. The hot flashes were more noticeable... Like sweating profusely!! It was horrible. I'm not really sure why the hot flashes and mood swings were more dramatic this cycle, but it sucked big time.

CD 8-10: FSH Injectable, Gonal-F, 75 iu 

Bravelle set-up: 

Injection needle after mixing: 

First day, easy breezy. Thing I do not like about Gonal-F: the saline solution is already in the plunger. When I used Bravelle, I was able to move the plunger to loosen it up a bit before adding the medication. With the solution already in the plunger -- when injecting, the plunger was so stiff! Made it a little harder to push the medication in. 

Second day, burn! Going in, it burned and then burned a little afterwards. Why oh why??! I didn't do anything differently. The alcohol swab had already dried. Ugh. That sucked too. Made me nervous for day 3. 

This cycle has felt like it's going by pretty quickly, which is nice. It's hard to think about expectations for the round or to get my hopes up... So, I am attempting to keep my mind from thinking about it too much and have been focusing on binge reading a new book series instead! Also, thinking about next steps on if I will relocate to a different state. Hard to make any decisions on anything while TTC. I'm just laying the ground work for now.

Next Step:
  • Mid-Cycle Ultrasound 9/11/15 @ 2:45 p.m. Hopefully will schedule the Trigger/IUI day/time. I'm guesstimating the IUI will be on 9/14.

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