Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Declutter Project: Update on Maintaining + the Storage Closet, Part 6

I am trying to focus more on my Declutter Project. However, being focused on it is not the same as having the time to DO anything! Trying to do any sort of decluttering with the two boys is way too difficult. I tried doing it after they go to sleep, but I'm so exhausted at that point in the day - that I just want to relax and read. Despite the challenges, I have managed to tackle one of my more difficult parts of the house: The Storage Closet! 

How am I doing maintaining? 

In Part 4 of the declutter project, I was focused on building and maintaining routines - to keep things in order. I wanted to give an update on if I was able to maintain.

The Kitchen - I have surprisingly managed to keep things in order! I clear off the counters every night and the pantry is still in good shape. I've also managed to keep up with the dishes, which is one of the main challenges I had. Sometimes the kitchen still accumulates junk. However, I've been pretty good at cleaning everything out by end of the day and putting it in its "right" place.

The Clothes - At first, I was really on top of the laundry. But once Munchkin arrived, I got lax on it. Things got slowly out of control, but I was able to get back on top of it in the last few weeks. Doing a load a day really helps and I've pretty much kept on top of the daily washing. I still struggle with finding time to fold, but I've gotten better at it.

The Living Room - I actually have the living room under control! Even with all the baby and toddler items everywhere :) It's actually one of the easiest rooms to maintain.

Overall, I've been maintaining REALLY well. Staying on top of things, so they don't get out of control.

The Storage Closet 

The Storage Closet has been cleaned out numerous times over the years. I have gotten it so clean, there was hardly anything in there. Right now, it's a catch all for all things "kids" and "workout" related. I really needed to tackle the storage closet so that I could put things in there that really needed to be in there, like my stroller and hanging up my purse, etc.

I forgot to take a picture of the "before" - but here is some of the stuff that was in there.

Here's the rest of the stuff that was in there. My storage closet is "L" shaped. 

Here is the portion of the Storage closet in the "L" in the back: 

I managed to clear out a lot of old stuff, donating and trashing. What's left in there (for now) is: Baby Gate parts, workout items, DVD's, Cleaning Supplies, Flags, keyboard, frames, some baby items, purses, diaper bags, Stroller, and Car Seats (that aren't being used). Here's the after picture: 

After I manage to clear out the rest of the house items, I will sort and move things around. I don't want to organize while I'm still getting rid of stuff. But this is definitely progress for me! I really needed this storage closet to be functional. Now, it is. It'll be much better once I get through everything else and can actually start organizing. 

I decided to re-purpose my changing table. I moved it to the living room and am using it to store all the kid's toys. I have to admit, I am REALLY happy with how this turned out. It works out perfectly and helps organize the toys. Prior, the toys were lined up on the floor. Much easier to see things this way. 

In the storage closet, I found a lot of unopened presents! I guess I can re-gift them. Thought about donating as well... still thinking about it. It's crazy the stuff I put in there and just forgot it was there! 

I'm going to be on adoption leave from work later this month. Since I'll have a lot of free time, I'm going to really tackle everything else and hopefully get through it all within a few weeks. 

  • Donated: 3 bags 
  • Recycled: a few boxes 
  • Trash: 1
  • Shred: 0
  • Give away: 1

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