Friday, November 20, 2015

Cycle #7, IVF #1: Acupuncture, Session #1

At my IVF Consult, my RE provided a referral to two acupuncturist. I was on the fence about really going for it... fear of needles and all. Also, the additional $ that goes along with it. I've already spent so darn much on this process... I didn't feel comfortable dishing out more money on a concept that might not really "up the odds". There are so many contrary opinions out there: it works, it doesn't work, can't hurt. Well, I figure -- It can't hurt.

I heard acupuncture really relaxes you. I'm so tense lately, I can definitely use some relaxation.

I called one of the acupuncturists my RE referred. She was really nice and had some good information on her website. It says that you really should start acupuncture 3 months prior to IVF. Well, obviously I'm behind the ball on that one! I didn't think I'd get here and didn't foresee having to take these extra steps towards having Baby C. But here I am: IVF-land and now acupuncture-land.

Here's the plan:
  1. Initial Consult / 1st Session: go over medical information, provide any test results from RE and PCP. $150 
  2. Ongoing Sessions: have 1-2 regular sessions a week prior to egg transfer. $85 per session 
  3. Day of Transfer: have treatment before Egg Transfer and treatment after. $325 
Session #1 

This was my first acupuncture session, ever. So, I wasn't really sure what to expect. I provided my blood work and lab results, we discussed my medical history, we discussed IVF and infertility. Then after the paperwork and initial discussion was complete, I had my first real acupuncture session.

Let me say, it was a little surreal. I have a big fear of needles. Knowing this, I kept my eyes shut while she started sticking me. Some spots it hurt. Others, I didn't feel it. Places that hurt: my right wrist, my right foot, and my forehead. After awhile, it didn't hurt. The right wrist was uncomfortable if I moved it wrong.

After she stuck me with the needles, she put a heating lamp over my stomach. I guess to help "warm up my uterus." Then, I laid there for 20-25 minutes. I couldn't really relax. I did open my eyes to check out the needles. They look scarier than they felt.

Afterwards, we discussed my next steps in regards to: IVF prep, supplements, diet, exercise, and meditations. She's recommending 1-2x per week prior to IVF, day of transfer (before/after), and 3-5 days post transfer to help with implantation.

It's all very interesting and now that I'm doing acupuncture, I need to really research it a little more. She recommended I read two books: 1) The Infertility Cure and 2) Feed your Fertility. I need to check if these are available at the library.

All in all: an interesting experience! I've never really looked at fertility/infertility in this type of way before. I guess I haven't really had time to think about it as things get so busy when you're cycling for fertility treatments. I've been more focused on the medications, the injections, and not missing a step. I haven't really thought about all these other things, like Chinese Medicine.

I can't say I "enjoyed" it. But I feel good that I'm doing it! Here's to hoping it turns out well.

Next Week in IVF Land:

  • 11/24: Acupuncture Session #2  
  • Lupron: Continue 10 iu until 11/29
  • 11/29: Start Stims - Day #1 

For more details on my IVF process, see my IVF Calendar/Timeline.

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