Wednesday, April 1, 2015

IUI Cycle #1: CD3 U/S - Follicle Count

IUI Cycle #1: CD #1 3/30/15. IUI TBD. Protocol: 1) Clomid (50 mg x 5 days): CD 3-7. 2) HCG Trigger Shot: TBD 3) Progesterone Vaginal Suppositories (100 mg 1x a day - day after IUI until pregnancy test). 

  1. CD #1 of Cycle --> Schedule U/S. - DONE
  2. U/S (CD #2, 3 or 4). Scheduled for 4/1/15 @ 2:15pm (CD# 3). - DONE 
  3. Clomid for 5 days. CD3-CD7. IN PROCESS 
  4. Baby Aspirin (81 mg): 1 tablet daily until 9 weeks of pregnancy. Starting on CD3.  IN PROCESS 
  5. Mid Cycle U/S (CD #11, 12, or 13). Scheduled for 4/9/15 @ 8:45am (CD# 11). 
  6. HCG Trigger Shot (this will force ovulation in 40-42 hours) 
  7. IUI (after 36 hours from Trigger Shot) 
  8. Progesterone Vaginal Suppositories
  10. HCG Beta Test or AF
  11. 2nd HCG Beta Test (48 hours later)
Today I went to have my CD3 ultrasound. The point of the U/S was to count the follicles in my ovaries and also to check for any cysts. Good news, no cysts! We can proceed with this cycle. Yippee! 

I had about 8 follicles in my right ovary. They had a hard time seeing my left ovary. Same issue they had last time. I wonder why that is? But the RE was only able to see 3. Last time they saw 7-8 in each ovary... Hmmm... 

Today I also start more medication: 

  • Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid): 50 mg for 5 days CD 3 (4/1/15) through CD 7 (4/5/15). 
  • Prenatal Vitamins with folic acid of 800 mcg-1mg (already started). 
  • Baby Aspirin (81 mg) 
Clomid... the side effects are pretty harsh. I'm hoping I don't have too many of them... let's see. Clomid is supposed to help my follicles "mature". Normally, a woman releases one egg a cycle. Everyone reacts differently to the medication and I'm on a really low dosage. But the point is for my follicles to "mature" and be released. Hopefully more than 1, but not more than 3. Upping the odds of getting pregnant, but also upping the odds (not by much) of multiples. With my low dosage, we'll see how I react to it. Hoping that I get 2-3 mature follicles. When eggs "mature" then these are the ones that are released into the fallopian tubes and hopefully 1 will get fertilized. 

I go back in on 4/9/15 at 8:45 am to have another U/S and check how many eggs are maturing and how big they are. At this time, if I have more than 3 mature follicles -- then the cycle will be cancelled. The risk of multiples would be too high. If there aren't any mature follicles, they can up my medication dosage and try to push the follicles along. 

Either way, this U/S will determine when the IUI will happen. They'll tell me when to do the HcG trigger shot and then we will schedule the IUI procedure. Right now, it's looking like the IUI will be on either 4/10, 4/13, or 4/14. My guess, it'll happen on 4/13. We'll see! 

I was really nervous for my appointment today... It's so silly really. But it's like "IT'S FINALLY HAPPENING!!!" I wish I could go forward in time and see what's going to happen, how this will all end up. The suspense is almost too much! I've never been known to be patient, that word has never described me. I'm doing my best to keep my expectations in line and to try to keep busy with other things. I have a lot of other things to focus on right now, but all I can think about is this...!

I was in a different room at my clinic today. My Fertility Clinic has a wall of baby pictures, all the babies that they helped make. On the wall, there are some notes that say: 

"Your family... Coming Soon!" 
"We're holding this spot for YOU!!!"
"Make your baby a STAR!" 
"We want your baby on our WALL OF FAME" 

Every time I look at that wall, I get a bit emotional. But I also think "IT CAN HAPPEN!" There are success stories.

Will have to take it one day at a time and see where this journey takes me. Thinking about Happy Baby Dust and praying this is the month my baby will be conceived. 

Cheat Sheet - Acronyms:
RE: Reproductive Endocrinologist 
CD: Calendar Day 
IUI: Intrauterine Insemination 
U/S: Ultrasound 
TWW: Two Week Wait 
HCG: Pregnancy hormone
AF: Aunt Flow
dpIUI: number of "days post" IUI procedure 
BFP: Big Fat Positive. Positive Pregnancy test 
BFN: Big Fat Negative. Negative Pregnancy test 
EDD: Expected Day of Delivery 
SMC: Single Mothers by Choice 
FX: Fingers Crossed 

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