Thursday, November 5, 2015

Cycle #7, IVF #1: Getting Organized before I start!

First, I just want to mention that being off of fertility medications is HEAVENLY! I feel like myself again and I'm more optimistic. It's crazy how the fertility meds really mess with your emotional balance. I'm enjoying these "normal me" feelings because I know they won't last for long!

I have to admit, I've been thinking IVF-IVF-IVF very since I had my baseline U/S last week. So much so, that I've been devouring websites, forums, and blogs trying to figure out the best way to track this complicated process. I'm very organized and like to plan ahead of time (when I can). Which is one reason this process is a little difficult for me, since I want to plan - and you can't really. Hence, semi-stress-mode. You have to go from one step to another because things can change up at any time depending on various factors.

From my research, I found that there are apps that make tracking IVF easier... some people use spreadsheets... some people use calendars. I just can't wait to receive my official IVF calendar, so that I can SEE how things are going to play out instead of speculating.

Here's what I decided to use and hopefully it'll keep me on track: 
  • Using Google Docs to track entire process. I decided to use a spreadsheet on Google Docs to log everything. I can use it on my phone and I can look at it on my computer too. So, it works for me. I can also customize it to fit my needs. I have a draft right now that I'll update once I get my IVF calendar and I'll post a picture of it. I also decided to use Google docs to start prepping for taxes: mileage, costs, etc. I had started it a few months ago on my computer, but I want it portable, so I can add as I go - and hopefully keep it updated. Another good thing about using Google Docs is that for my IVF Timeline, I can just copy/paste it into my Blog instead of having to re-type everything. 
  • Medication reminders - Using Reminders app in phone for Meds vs. Healow App. I already use my Reminders app for my other meds and for everything else on my To-Do list, so I look at it multiple times a day. Using it for shot schedule/medication should work for me. However, my RE's office uses this free app called Healow. All the medication prescriptions are automatically inputted in there and you can add reminders for each prescription. SO, this *might* be a better choice and easier to use. I tested the reminders with the BCP using it in both apps. Right now I'm leaning towards the Reminders app. In the Healow app, you can't "check it" or mark it as "complete," the reminder just goes away... So, if you "ignore it," it doesn't pop back up again. At least with Reminders App, you can snooze it and/or "check it" as completed. For now, the Reminders App will be my go-to medication reminder resource. 
  • Google Calendar for appointments. I'm an avid Google Calendar user. I have a specific "calendar" that I use for all my fertility appointments. I'm going to keep this up. Healow app leasts your appointments as well, but it doesn't integrate with Google Calendar. 
Will see how these things work out for me. I can always adjust if it's not working. I think I'll feel much better when I receive the IVF calendar and can really get a "feel" for things and fill in my worksheet.
Next Step: IVF Consult 11/9/15 @ 4:00 p.m.

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