It's that time... The time I've been waiting for --> IVF Ovarian Stimulation. This is where the big stuff for IVF starts happening. I'll stim for 8-10 days. Depending on how I react to it and how well I stimulate - will impact when my Egg Retrieval is. Here's how it works:
- I start stims (11/29).
- I will go in on Day #4 of Stims and get blood work (12/2).
- I'll have an ultrasound and more blood work done on Day #5 of Stims (12/3).
- Depending on how these appointments look, I'll get additionally monitoring appointments scheduled (every 1-2 days) and might have to adjust my medication dosage (higher or lower).
- I'll need to start checking the online portal every day starting on Day #4 for any direction changes on my medication dosage.
- Then, they'll tell me when to do the trigger shot.
- They'll schedule the Egg Retrieval (tentatively scheduled for 12/10).
Here are the directions on my IVF calendar:
Start Medications:
I had to start a few oral pills as well.
I feel a little disconnected from the IVF process today. It was a long holiday weekend being home full time with the boys. I'm just tired. I have a busy week ahead of me. I wish I knew how all of this is going to turn out. I'm trying not to jump and worry about the end result, as each step in the process is so critical. I also am so worried I'm going to screw up the medication somehow. Hopefully I'll get the hang of things and I'll stimulate well to the meds.
Next Steps in IVF-Land:
- No Caffeine, Alcohol, Tobacco. Limit exercise to walking only and avoid heavy lifting.
- No Advil, Ibuprofen, Aleve, or Motrin
- Use Protected intercourse only.
Lupron Update
I thought I didn't have many side-effects to the Lupron at first. But as I continued to take it, I experienced: Dry skin, acne, short tempered, and some headaches. No fun :(
Stims: Day #1
Today begins the IVF cycle. Injectable medication being taken:
Gonal F: 225 iu
Menopur: 150 iu
Lupron: 5 iu
Today begins the IVF cycle. Injectable medication being taken:
Gonal F: 225 iu

Menopur: 150 iu

Lupron: 5 iu

Mixing the meds wasn't too bad. You mixed all three into the Menopur vial and then have only one needle injection:
I went really slow with the mixing. This is my first time with the Gonal-F pen and combining medications together. Going slowly helped, I think I'll get the hang of it pretty quickly though.
One rookie mistake I made. I was recapping a needle and the needle pierced the outside of the cap and got my finger! Ugh. This is the FIRST time I've had a mistake with the needle before. Hurt like hell. Thankfully, this happened after I was done with the injections - was just getting ready to put it in the sharps container.
The injection hurt going in, some burning sensations. Then the site of the injection was a bit tender afterwards.
Start Medications:
I had to start a few oral pills as well.
- Baby Aspirin: 81 mg
- Zithromax: 1 pill, 500 mg - for 3 days
- Prenatal Vitamins
- Metformin: 2x's a day, 500 mg
How do I feel?
I feel a little disconnected from the IVF process today. It was a long holiday weekend being home full time with the boys. I'm just tired. I have a busy week ahead of me. I wish I knew how all of this is going to turn out. I'm trying not to jump and worry about the end result, as each step in the process is so critical. I also am so worried I'm going to screw up the medication somehow. Hopefully I'll get the hang of things and I'll stimulate well to the meds.
Next Steps in IVF-Land:
- 12/1/15: Acupuncture Session #3
- 12/2/15: Blood work
- 12/3/15: First Monitoring Appointment (Ultrasound and Blood Work), Acupuncture Session #4
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