Thursday, January 19, 2017

FET #2 (Cycle 11) TWW Symptom Spotting

I've been meaning to post some of my TWW experience from my successful FET #2 Cycle (Cycle 11). I think I was holding back until things looked good with the pregnancy. Well, I'm almost 20 weeks now - so maybe it's time I just post it!

I did post blog entries on my TWW here and here.

These notes I took as I obsessed over the TWW, the unedited version where I was symptom spotting and hoping for a miracle. Not sure how much of this was due to me actually being pregnant or if it was more anxiety or medicine related. But here are my obsessive ramblings:

1dpt: feeling tired, feeling hopeful. I've been feeling nauseous almost this entire cycle. I still feel nauseous. Normal foods aren't appealing to me.

2dpt: felt some pinching in my uterus, hoping it's implantation. Still have food aversions. Lots of progesterone side effects. Sore boobs.

3dpt: some cramping in my uterus. Hoping it's not AF. I tested early on an internet cheapie. BFN. But I expected that, it's way to early to test. I had a horrible back spasm when I was folding clothes. Not sure what it was that caused it and haven't had something like that before. Slept pretty good this night, which is new. Not getting a gut feeling if the transfer worked or not. Wish God would whisper in my ear. Maybe He is and I'm so distracted from POAS that I'm missing it.

4dpt: saw a post on a forum I follow where a lady that had a transfer the same day as me had a clear BFP already! Would I be so lucky? Tested on a FRER, pulling out the big POAS dogs, and I saw a "shadow" of a line. Indent line or the real thing? Feeling hopeful and subdued at the same time. Feeling nauseous still. Hungry, but hungry for all the wrong stuff. Very distracted all day about the thought of the shadow line! Something new and strange: watery CM.

5dpt: today I think I saw the same type of shadow of a line. So maybe the box of FRER's were defective or I'm seeing things? It was a little easier to see than the one yesterday. I started really feeling like it didn't work today. Starting to prepare myself. Getting pains in my breasts. Watery CM continues. Runny nose.

6dpt: is it a shadow or is it a line? On a new box of FRERs and a really faint line came up almost right away. It's faint, but dark enough to take a picture of & for it to show up. So darker than yesterday's. Still not convinced it's positive. It's still a shadow of a line and I'm convinced all FRER's have the test strip that shows through. Wish it was more conclusive. Holding onto hope by a thin wire. Also, thought I saw the slightest color on the CG. All the other ones were stark white. Man, I'm going crazy over here!

Peed on a CG 3x's today and saw a faint line on every single one. Real?
I started getting cramps this evening - AF?

7dpt: BFP's!!!!! Getting: Migraines, super tired, feeling dizzy.

12dpt: Just to note: dry mouth and cramps.

I stopped really tracking it here since I ended up in Beta Hell for a few weeks and was tracking it on my blog. But that's it, how my TWW symptom spotting went and all my POAS madness.

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