Saturday, August 8, 2015

Declutter Project: KonMari Method, Part 3

This new Decluttering Project is fun! I never really thought that decluttering would be exciting, but each day I can't wait to tackle an area. The hardest part is having things "out" that I haven't sorted through yet. So, I'm trying my best not to tackle off more than I can handle in that day. Also, I've been going through categories by convenience instead of the order KonMari Method suggests. It depends on if I'm upstairs/downstairs and if my son is here, at daycare, asleep, etc. Regardless of not following the KonMari to perfection, I've made progress! 


I went out of order again! But I had the opportunity to go through my DVD's and decided I would take advantage of the time. Took me only 20 minutes or so - quick! 

I ended up giving away half my DVD's, donating some, and keeping only a few.  Just haven't decided where I want to keep them, but I'm not sorting/organizing yet - so they're all just in a box for now. 


Decided to tackle the toiletries in my son's bathroom while my son was playing in the bath. He got extra playing time while I sorted piles of trash/donations. Win-win. 

Why I kept so many old hair products? I'll never know. But they're gone now.

I was able to tackle my bathroom as well. Which, to my surprise wasn't too bad! I did a big reorganization thing a year ago and it still works, I just got lazy at maintaining. I threw more stuff out. 

Trash bags: 3
Donation bag:
Recycling: 1

Clothes (Part 2)

It took me awhile to get ALL my Backpacks and Bags into one place. Who knew I had a lot of bags, I just kept coming across them! Eventually, I decided to just pile them onto my couch over a few days and then started sorting. It was easy going.

Hangers. I have so many hangers!!! I ended up donating most of the plastic ones and keeping the wooden ones or the nice plastic ones. I have so many extra... that I may end up donating more of them. But want to wait to decide. It took me awhile to accumulate all wood hangers and would hate to get rid of them.

Done with all clothes categories! Woohoo! Completed project on 8/5. All "adult" clothes categories are done: dresses, suits, pants, tops, undergarments, socks, bathing suits, shoes, belts, purses, bags, backpacks! Woot! 

Donated: 2

Paperwork (Part 2)

Paperwork was slow going. I could only shred during the day, as it was too loud at night and would wake up my son. So, the shredding process was slow going. Mentally, I needed to shred the one box of stuff before I could tackle more paperwork. I just needed to get it out of the way! It was a visual mess I just didn't want.

Can you believe that I had shredding from 2012? I went through a marathon shredding thing in 2011, which is why I have papers from 2012! But can you imagine all the paperwork I've kept? I had papers and documents from 2006 from work (expense reports, receipts, annual evaluations, etc.)!!! I work from home, so all those files came with me when I transitioned to working from home. Crazy.

During my marathon shredding event, my shredder overheated 2 times. One box of paperwork = 5 bags of shredded paper. Yikes. It wasn't even a big box!

The difference this time: I'm actually getting rid of stuff! I'm not just filing stuff to file it. I'm keeping only necessary things.

I also have SOOOO many boxes of paperwork this, paperwork that. This one is by far the hardest category to get through. Good news is, that I've made some progress.
  • I finished the remaining kitchen papers. There are NO papers left in the kitchen or the living room. 
  • All papers are out of my room! All drawers are cleared. 
Still to go
  • Boxes of old paper from college in spare room - these might end up being moved to "sentimental".
  • Boxes sitting in the garage - these might end up being moved to "sentimental".
  • Go back through the combined "sentimental" or "need to keep box" that I've accumulated over the process (foster care paperwork, health care paperwork, and some sentimental pieces). 
Recycle: 1
Shred: 5
  • Donated bags: 19
  • Recycled: 4
  • Trash: 9  
  • Shred: 5
See my Decluttering Project progress: KonMari Method Plan.

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