Sunday, August 16, 2015

IUI Cycle #4: Trigger Day

I took my trigger shot this morning at 3:30 am. Almost all my trigger times have been so early! It's always hard to sleep ahead of time because I worry I won't wake up and mess up the timing. 

Something weird is that last night I was having a lot of pain on my right side. At first I was thinking maybe it's appendix related... But I didn't have any other symptoms for appendicitis, so ruled that out. The reason this is weird is because I haven't had pain like this before for any other cycle. It was so uncomfortable, that it made it hard to sleep. It was like his dull pain. Might be due to my two lead follicles in the right ovary? Who knows. The pain is gone today, so not really sure why I had that pain. 

Anyways, here is my trigger shot set-up: 

This was my first time using Novarelle, normally I use Pregnyl. The mixing was the same, so that went smoothly. If they're the "same thing", I wonder why Novarelle is more expensive than Pregnyl? The pharmacy was out of Pregnyl when I ordered, which is why I ended up with the Novarelle. But there's about a $20 difference for the same type of injection that does the exact same thing. Odd. 

For some reason I hesitated during the injection part!!!! I think it's because I was groggy and my eyes weren't really focused. But I was breathing hard and it took me a little bit to inject. The trigger shot, there's no burning sensation (unlike the FSH injection - Bravelle). 

Normally after I do the trigger injection, I can't go back to sleep afterwards. Thankfully I was able to get back to sleep after this one! 

Really hoping this cycle is the one....!!!! I have good sized follies and this cycle is aligned to my normal cycle. Praying and hoping and crossing fingers/toes that baby dust will be present this cycle. 

Next Steps: IUI #4 tomorrow at 3:30 pm. 

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