Wednesday, March 9, 2016

I got laid off yesterday

Yesterday started off like any other Tuesday. Then, at 7:30am I received a ping from my manager asking if I was available for a phone call. I responded with "yes" and she called me shortly after that. I knew something was up because my manager and HER manager were on the phone. I greeted them with morning cheer and was received with not so happy tones. 

My first reaction was thinking I was in trouble for something, which I quickly assessed that I didn't technically do anything wrong in my position - so had a feeling I knew what was coming. 

They quickly got into the conversation that there were workforce reductions all across the company and that our team was impacted. Then they said that my position was impacted and that I was being let go. 

It was a strange feeling, initially I think I was angry. I had questions on my severance package and they didn't have answers for me. So, I was being laid off and had no clue what my severance package looked like. That was irritating. 

They told me that I had about an hour before my access to the computer would be revoked and that I should email myself any personal documents I had on my laptop. That I would receive a call later by the admin with instructions on how to return my company equipment. 

My gut reaction was to sympathize for the managers on having to give this "news" to their employees. I even said, "This must be difficult for you." 

The call ended and I started emailing myself my resume, along with benefits contact information. My access didn't get revoked after the hour, so I just logged off. 

I received a call later from the admin, who was in tears!, because she had to deal with all the people that were laid off. I also have a good relationship with her, so she was compassionate. I immediately went into "comfort-mode" to make sure she was ok. 

Then today, I shipped back all my company equipment, along with my corporate card, and ID. I received my severance package as well. My package was for 11 years... which I'm 2 months away from 12 years. My manager had said that I should get the 12 years. I need to contest this with the company. 

That was that. Almost 12 years with this company and I was finally impacted by a mass layoff. 

I have to admit, today I woke up in semi-panic mode. What was I going to do? 

Moving Forward and Making Plans

I didn't sit idle all day yesterday or let myself get into a funk and feel sorry for myself. Instead, I started updating my resume. I had some really nice friends that said they could review my resume for me. So here's what I did: 
  1. Updated my resume, having friends review it, so it'll be getting updated a bunch I'm sure. 
  2. Updated my LinkedIn profile with my revised resume info. Added a picture as well. 
  3. Prepared for a Career Fair (which was TODAY!) 
  4. Searched for jobs online to see what was out there. 
  5. Researched how to approach Career Fairs (been awhile since I attended) and techniques on interviewing.
  6. Looked up how Unemployment Benefits work in my state (didn't get much info) 
  7. Searched for upcoming career fairs. Can you believe that there are about 5 this month?! Good timing.  
  1. I attended the Career Fair. Some notes from that... I was overqualified for most of the positions. There are a few potential "lead" companies that may have positions that I would be interested in. 
  2. Searched more companies online. 
  1. Send Thank-You emails to all the recruiters I spoke to today at the career fair. 
  2. Update my resume some more/then make the changes on LinkedIn. 
  3. Add my volunteer leadership roles to LinkedIn. 
  4. Check out the company job listings from the career fair that seemed possible. 
  5. Call HR and contest my severance package. 
  6. Research companies that will be at the career fair tomorrow and check out which jobs they have open.  
  7. Post my resume online at and Monster (others?) 
  8. Make a list of companies that I am interested to work for and look up their job openings. 
This whole situation feels odd to me. For one, I can totally change my career and find something that I love to do. Which in a way is exciting and thrilling. I wasn't really happy at my job... But at the same time, I worry about maintaining a comparable salary. So, do I switch career paths and take a major pay cut? Or do I find a similar type of company and apply for a similar type job? 

Believe it or not, these are tough choices to think about. If this truly is an OPPORTUNITY and a way to have a FRESH START. Shouldn't I find something that I would be proud doing and love doing? Like, I would really love to work for a company that services Adoptions or Foster Care. I have a passion there (being a foster parent and being an adoptive parent). However, the positions are extremely low on the salary level. <sigh> So much to think about and consider. 

I'm jumping right in so I can get my feet wet. I haven't interviewed externally or internally for years! I don't even know what's out there or if something else will spark my interest. It's all uncharted territory. 

Not to mention, I've been trying to have this baby for over a year... what do I do now? I'll save that for another post... 

I'll be tracking my Job Hunt on this blog. Mostly to keep my focused and determined to get a new job before my severance period ends. 

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