Tuesday, March 1, 2016

IVF #2 (Cycle 8): Two Week Wait - IVF Style

The interesting thing about going through IVF is that the infamous Two Week Wait (TWW) is a little different. My clinic does the Beta/Pregnancy test 14 days after Egg Retrieval. My Egg Retrieval was on 2/17, so my Beta Test is on 3/2. So, a portion of the TWW was spent more focused on the Fertilization Reports (Day 1, Day 3, Day 5, Frozen). My actual Egg Transfer was on 2/22. So really, all the anxiety over the 14 days of the TWW were focused on other things for at least a few days. I really only have NINE days where I really have to "wait and see."

I found this diagram and thought it would be interesting to follow along on what can be happening each day post-transfer.

Here's how the TWW went for me: 

1dp5dt (2/23)

One day post-transfer I feel a little bloated. I'm not cramping much anymore, I just feel really "full." I kept waking up in the middle of the night and thinking, "wow, I have an embryo inside of me!" It's such a strange feeling. When doing my IUI's, there was no way to know if the sperm ever inseminated the egg. With this, I know what the embryo looks like and that it was growing really nicely. I just hope it continues growing, these little embies go through so much to become a little person.

Still feeling a little over-tired today and had to take a mid-day power nap to get back into it. Also, my BB's are very sensitive. Progesterone maybe? Estrogen patches maybe?

I've been thinking a lot about my "anxiety" over this all working out. Today, I'm choosing happiness. I'm choosing to Let Go and Let God. I have to trust that God has a plan and that if my little embie blastie is meant to become a baby, then he/she will. I'm repeating the following mantras:

"I choose happiness"
"I choose optimism"
"I trust God's choices"
"Give it to God"
"Everything will turn out as it should"

2dp5dt (2/24)

Might I say that the PIO shots are actually "easy" now? The icing really helps and I think the heating pad does too. I am getting a little bruised up because I am only injecting on my right side. I haven't gotten enough courage to see if I can inject with my left hand, on my left side yet... I've only had two "gusher" experiences thus far! Only one week left of PIO shots... And one more week until my beta test... Eek! If the cycle is a success, my RE switches to the progesterone suppositories after the positive beta test. 

Feeling some minor "pressure" today, not cramping really, but similar. Still over-tired in the afternoon. 

Not feeling overly eager to test yet. But had to repeat my mantras a few times when I felt overwhelmed & emotional about everything. 

3dp5dt (2/25) - Blood Work/Hormone Levels

Had my blood draw today to check my hormone levels. Results: 
  • Progesterone: 19.18
  • Estradiol: 176.1
Changes to medication
  • Add a progesterone suppository starting tomorrow morning. 
  • Add an estrogen patch today; meaning I will be wearing 3 estrogen patches. 
When I received the results of my blood work, I have to admit I pretty much had a mini-freak out. I started googling what my levels should be at that point in the Luteal Phase. Surprisingly there's not much out there. I emailed the nurse to ask her what the "ideal" levels are. They want to see Progesterone at least 40 and E2 a percentage of my last E2 reading (they wanted to see at least 295). Nurse said not to worry about it. Hoping the med adjustments bring up the numbers. 

I also ran into a snag. I didn't order the progesterone suppositories yet since there was a short shelf life on it and I thought I wouldn't need them until after a positive Beta test... When I called the pharmacy, they couldn't get me the suppositories until Tuesday of next week. I have some left-over suppositories from one of my IUI cycles that have not expired, so I'm using those until I get the ones from my pharmacy on Tuesday... 

PIO # of blood gushers to date: 3 

4dp5dt (2/26)   

I had a strange dream last night. It was the holidays and I had a newborn baby. My mother was in my dream and wanted to spend time with my kids (my son and new baby). Some background, I have not been in contact with my mother since 2008. I didn't grow up with her, as my parents divorced when I was 5 (father had custody) and we were never close/never really got along. There was some drama in 2008 and she cut herself off from my older brother and me, and we haven't heard from her since. So dreaming about her trying to spend time with my kids was strange. I guess it's because she always said she couldn't wait to be a grandma. Now, she is technically a "grandma" - but through her choices, she is not around to be a "real" grandma. Must be all the hormones or the potential to have my own birth child that has my subconscious thinking about my own birth mother.

A little secret, I have the picture of my little embie blastie on my refrigerator and also saved it as my screen background on my phone. My other embies on ice, I've printed their pictures too. I can't help but wonder who each one would grow up to be if given the opportunity.

I have to admit today was the first day that I started to worry if my little embie blastie has implanted... Started thinking about "what if" either way, what would happen next.

PIO # of blood gushers to date: 3 

Some cramping in my uterus... AF? Or embie implanting? Googling "implantation vs AF cramps" left me with no real answer. Lol. Google Oracle fail.

5dp5dt (2/27)  

I was supposed to have my last acupuncture appointment today. This session was supposed to focus on helping with implantation. However, my acupuncturist came down with a bad cold (the flu has been going around here), so she had to cancel with me. I was totally fine with that. Makes the day a little less stressful/busy for me. Plus more time with the boys. 

I've been contemplating when I should do a pregnancy test... I'm going to try and hold off until the day before my beta test. Let's see if I can hold off. I'm not sure how I'll handle only seeing one line, so waiting is better for me this time. 

Trying not to "symptom hunt" because I am on progesterone AND estrogen -- both have side-effects that can look like early pregnancy. But, still minor cramping, a bit of a headache, over tired, peeing a lot. Also, started sneezing, stuffy and have a runny nose. Hope I'm not coming down with something! 

My right side where I do my PIO shots is hurting and bruised up pretty bad now. So, I tried my left side - injecting with my left hand. Surprisingly, my leftie did pretty good! The aim was a little off & plunging was a little awkward, but I managed! Wish I would've switched sides before. I will probably stick with this side until Beta test... Which I only have 3 or 4 more injections left...

6dp5dt (2/28)

Only three more days until my beta test... Starting to have major doubts that it worked... I'm preparing myself for a negative result and looking up what a FET (frozen embryo transfer) cycle looks like. I'll be surprised if I get a positive result, I'm having cramping that's very similar to my failed IUI's at this point in the Luteal phase. Wondering if I should've transferred both embryos instead of the one... <sigh> 

Just to note, my nurse told me to lay down for 15 minutes after inserting my progesterone suppository. Impossible on weekends! The boys and my dog, can't even sit down for 15 minutes. I set my timer and got up at least 5x's. 

I'm also very susceptible to crying! When a Paw Patrol episode gets you teary eyes, you know you're on too many fertility meds! Lol.

7dp5dt (2/29)

2 more days until Beta... I'm going to test tomorrow and see what happens. I am convinced that it didn't work. Had a hard time concentrating at work today, mind kept wondering back to if the cycle worked or not.

8dp5dt (3/1) 

I had a negative pregnancy test this morning. I expected it... Blood work tomorrow to confirm.

Next Up: The "official results" of this entire IVF cycle...
  • 9dp5dt (3/2) - Beta Pregnancy Test 
For more details on my IVF process, see my IVF Calendar/Timeline.

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