Saturday, June 6, 2015

Little Miss will be Leaving Soon

Received notice that Little Miss will be leaving soon, approximately 3 weeks - so by the end of June/beginning of July-ish.

I have mixed feelings about this...

I do believe that CPS sometimes reunifies too early and I think that's the case here. I don't think it's in Little Miss's best interest to go home *right* now. The odds of her ending up back in foster care are pretty high... How could a case go from being about 1-2 years to being a few months? There's something odd and fishy about that. This is the most complex case I've had as a foster parent and for them to send Little Miss home so soon is just perplexing.

Don't get me wrong, I believe in reunification. However, there is a point where I think CPS sets up the birth parents for failure by not allowing them enough time to get their lives together and sending kids home too soon. It's hard to change your life around. It's even harder when you have kids to watch over. I'm talking about sustainable life change - not just "I'm going to do good for right now and then fall off the bandwagon." Sustainable life changes do not happen in just a few months...

I'm hoping that's not the case here... but I don't have much confidence in the system due to all the stuff I've experienced. Also, I know this case -- and it scares me to have Little Miss leave this soon... Of course, I have no say. The GAL on this case is also useless. I haven't liked her from the start and she was useless when I emailed her. What else can be done?

Let's just hope that this is for the best and that she's going home forever. She already has a lot of medical and behavioral needs, I would hate for her to digress. She's come so far.

That's the other thing with foster care, I'll never know what happens to her! She'll leave and I'll never hear if she's back in the system or if she's doing well at home. Very sad.

Such is the life of a foster parent. Love/care for them while you have them, advocate for their best interests and for services, then say goodbye and pray that where they go next is for the best.

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