Saturday, October 24, 2015

IUI Cycle #6: Two Week Wait

Here I am... My last IUI Cycle #6 and my 6th TWW. Let me tell you, the TWW doesn't get easier the more cycles you go through.
  • After the IUI, I was bloated again and a bit uncomfortable for the rest of the day. 
  • 24 hours after the IUI, all I could think is: "If it is going to happen, it's happening now." The first 24 hours after an IUI is when things should happen. But you still have to wait the full two weeks to figure out if it did. Wish there was some way to know sooner. 
  • When I started the Progesterone, had all the same symptoms as previous TWW's, unfortunately! Not that I was expecting something different, but it would've been nice to have less symptoms. Going to sleep at 8pm is not that productive! 
  • Being so tired on Progesterone and then having to do feedings at night for my new foster son, Munchkin -- was a bit exhausting! I'm tired. I could sleep for a whole day straight if I had the opportunity! Maybe I'll have the boys go to a babysitter for a day so I can rest. Hmm... 
  • Still getting hot flashes. I hate those things...! 
  • I always have the most vivid dreams during the TWW. This can be good and bad! They just seem so real. 
  • During the second week stretch of the TWW, I was anxiously excited to find out if this cycle works. It's like so much is riding on how this cycle turns out. Either I'm preparing to welcome Baby C in 9 months or I'm preparing for IVF... Which both directions would be uncharted territory. 
  • As I get closer to testing if this cycle worked or not... I am a bit nervous. I don't want it not to work... So it's a bit nerve wrecking. Right now, there's nothing I can do. It either worked or it didn't, it's just a matter of waiting and finding out what the next steps are. 
  • Started getting AF cramps, so thinking this cycle is a bust. Scared to do a HPT... 
Thoughts On IVF 

I've gone back and forth on whether I REALLY want to start IVF right away. Most of me wants to wait, take a few months off, lose some weight, get back into shape, get re-connected with myself, save some money. However, the truth is that it's a money issue. 

If I do IVF in 2015, then almost everything is covered. This is what it'll look like: 
  • I've already met my deductible of $500 
  • Insurance will cover 80/20 of costs up to my out of pocket fees of $2000 
  • I have about $500 left to reach the out of pocket fees of $2000
  • Then, insurance will cover 100%
  • Total Cost (not including donor sperm) = $500 
If I wait until 2016, then it'll look like this: 
  • Meet Deductible $500 
  • Insurance will then cover 80/20 of costs until I meet out of cost fees of $2000. 
  • Then, insurance will cover 100% 
  • Total Cost (not including donor sperm) = $2500 
That's a huge difference, right? I might as well just jump right in. I have to keep in mind that insurance doesn't cover donor sperm (of course) and doesn't cover genetic testing or any extra things (i.e. assisted hatching). So, if I want those things done - even if I do them in 2015 - these things will be out of pocket. There is a potential for more costs in 2015 if I go that route. 

Anyways, it's been playing with me. I've gone back and forth on -- WAIT till 2016. Then, NO let's do it in 2015. 

Another factor that's playing into my decision on moving forward with IVF is that I'll be on adoption leave for all of December. Which makes it easy to do the Egg Retrieval and Egg Transfer, without having to take time off of work. 

Ugh. Choices, decisions, $$, time. Let's hope that I don't even have to go there and that this cycle #6 worked. Only a few more days until I find out. 

Next Step: Beta Test 10/27/15 @ 8:00 a.m.

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