Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Toastmasters: CC#1 The Ice Breaker

I've been a member of Toastmasters since May 2012. I recently earned my Distinguished Toastmaster award (DTM) in April. I've loved being a member of Toastmasters. I've learned a lot and have grown as a leader, a communicator, and also as a person. It's a wonderful organization to be a part of.

I haven't blogged much about my journey in Toastmasters, although it played a huge role this entire year I've been blogging. I guess I was focused more on foster care, TTC, and on my adoption. But now, I've found that my blog has been encompassing more aspects of my life. Which I think is a good thing! A place I can vent and share.

During my time in Toastmasters, I have served in various leadership roles. Right now, I'm a POTS aka "Plain old Toastmaster". I have no leadership roles right now. I needed a break and I needed to focus on other things. Toastmasters takes a lot of your time when you're volunteering for everything!

I didn't want to give up Toastmasters. I've made many close friends and it's one of those things, "you use it or you lose it." I don't want to lose all I've gained by being in Toastmasters. So, what's the next step? I think I'm done serving in leadership roles for now, as I don't have the time to commit to it right now. I've decided to essentially "start over" from the beginning. Meaning, I'm starting on my Competent Communicator Manual (first 10 speeches).

Last week I joined a new club and I completed my first speech, the Ice Breaker. Speech Objectives:
  • To begin speaking before an audience.
  • To discover speaking skills you already have and skills that need some attention.
  • Time: Four to six minutes
It was strange. I was so nervous. I haven't given a speech since April! That's a long time and I'm a little rusty. My body movements weren't very natural and I've got a few things to work on where speech organization is concerned. That just goes to show you, that you really do lose it if you don't practice.

So, here's to starting this journey "over". I'm actually really excited about it, as I think that I'll gain something more out of this the second go-around. 

I have my next speech scheduled for next week, where I'll be completing CC#2 Organize Your Speech. 

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