Friday, February 12, 2016

IVF #2 (Cycle 8): Monitoring Appointment #2 (Stim Day 7)

Stim Days 1-4
Stim Day 5 (Monitoring Appointment #1)

Stim Day 6

Starting to get some bruising on my tummy from the injections, need to rotate around the area a little bit better. These twice a day injections are tough. I rotate sides: right side in the morning and left side in the evening. The bruising is mostly on the right hand side for some reason.

When I was using the heating pad and reflecting, I couldn't help but feel some Infertiltiy woes. This just wasn't how I imagined trying to have a baby would be like. Not in my wildest dreams. Sometimes I wish it didn't have to be so difficult. Mind you, it's probably the fertility meds talking here more than anything! But dang, I wish it wasn't so hard and so uncertain.

On a side note, my CM is becoming more noticeable. I hope that means my E2 levels are going up. Hoping for good news tomorrow at the monitoring appointment. 

Also, started having vivid dreams again. 

Stim Day 7 - Monitoring Appointment #2

To say I was worried about this appointment would be an understatement. I knew a lot was riding on how I have responded to the meds at this point.

The Good News = my RE said that I should make it to Egg Retrieval this cycle!
  • Lining: 7.7 mm with triple layer 
  • Left Ovary: 5 follicles 
  • Right Ovary: 3 follicles and maybe some small ones. Right Ovary was hard to see on U/S, it was hiding or something. 
So, still only have 8 follicles "in the running". Hopefully a few more will pop up between now and Egg Retrieval (or maybe they just can't see them on the U/S).

I have to admit that when the RE said I should make it to Egg Retrieval, I almost started to cry! I've been so fearful that this cycle would get cancelled too. Hopefully things will keep progressing and I'll continue to respond to the medication.

Estradiol Level: 523.4

Portal MessageNo changes to your medications! Please continue your most current dosing (the same dosing you took yesterday) and to follow the calendar instructions at this time. See you at your next appointment Sunday. If you have any questions please feel free to call us. 

I have to admit, I've been overanalyzing my E2 results. Googling the heck out of "IVF E2 Levels." Partly because I don't understand them. From what I've read, they seem to be progressing well. However, they're lower than my IVF #1 cycle readings. It's just all confusing. Now, just have to wait for the next step on Sunday to see if everything is progressing as it should. Maybe I'll get my Trigger day/time and my Egg Retrieval will be finalized? Crossing fingers big time... I feel so close to seeing this through.

PIO (Progesterone in Oil) shots arrived today as well. The needles are soooo intimidating....! Eek. These shots are different because they go into the muscle. The stim shots have a tiny needle that go into your tummy. PIO goes into your bottom or thigh. Guess I won't worry about it until I have to do them (after egg retrieval).

One step at a time...

And just as a reminder, I really shouldn't watch Grey's Anatomy while I'm on Stims! Emotional - sheesh! 

Next Steps: 
  1. 2/14/16: Monitoring Appointment #3 Ultrasound and Bloodwork. 
For more details on my IVF process, see my IVF Calendar/Timeline.

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