Tuesday, February 23, 2016

IVF #2 (Cycle 8): 3 embryos made it to freeze!

Received wonderful news this afternoon! Out of the remaining little ones, 3 made it to freeze! 

  • 1 - cell 4: Didn't make it. 
  • 1 - cell 5: Didn't make it. 
  • 3 - early blastocyst: 2 made it! Both Grade 2's! 
  • 1 - full/expanded blastocyst: Grade 2 
I have to admit, I'm so relieved and happy to hear that 3 made it to freeze. The thought of going through an entire IVF cycle again was daunting. Now, I at least have a few little embies on ice. 

They're all the same grade as the embryo that was transferred yesterday: Grade 2's. So I have 3 Grade 2's frozen. 

As a recap of my entire IVF process: 

  • # of Eggs Retrieved: 9
  • # of Eggs Mature: 8 (88.8% of the 9 retrieved)
  • # of Eggs Fertilized: 7 (87.5% of the 8 mature eggs)
  • # of Embryos that made it to Blastocyst: 4 (57% of the 7 fertilized) - 1 fresh transfer and 3 frozen  
Feeling grateful, relieved, happy... not to mention curious at who these little embryos can turn into... but I can save those thoughts for another post :) 


  1. I'm so happy that you had good results. I hope this will be a BFP for you.

  2. Thank you! Trying to stay optimistic about the entire thing and not too anxious during the TWW... it's so hard! Only one more week until the results are in.
