Saturday, February 20, 2016

IVF #2 (Cycle 8): Fertilization Report - Day 3 + Egg Transfer Scheduled!

I've been on pins and needles wondering what was happening with my 7 little ones. It's hard to explain, but it feels weird that I have 7 fertilized eggs sitting in a lab an hour away from my home. Like, is this really happening? Am I really going through IVF? Feels a little surreal.

For the Day #1 Fertilization Report see: Fertilization Report: Day 1.

  • # of Eggs Retrieved: 9
  • # of Eggs Mature: 8 (88.8% of the 9 retrieved)
  • # of Eggs Fertilized: 7 (87.5% of the 8 mature eggs)

By 72 hours ("day 3"), embryo development should be at least 6 cells (and preferably some at about 8 cells). I received the call this morning for a Day 3 report on how my little 7 embryos were doing.

Good news = all 7 fertilized eggs are dividing! Here's where they stand: 

  • 1 at 4 cell (slow responder) 
  • 1 is between 5-8 cells 
  • 3 are at 9 cells 
  • 2 are at 10 cells (fast responder) 

The Embryologist was funny she asked, "Were you anxiously waiting for my phone call?" LOL. I was very happy with the Day 3 Fertilization Report. The Embryologist did level-set with me that we'll lose some in the next day or two. She expects between 2 and 5 to make it to blastocyst stage (Day 5 and 100+ cells). Just a note, I didn't get any embryo "gradings" at this point. Didn't even think to ask! Not sure if my clinic grades the embryos at Day 3 or if they wait until Day 5. I know I'll get gradings on transfer day.

We discussed a few things:
  1. I'm confirmed to transfer on Monday, 2/22 at 1:00 p.m. 
  2. I'll have to get there by NOON for my acupuncture appointment. 
  3. I have to take a valium at NOON (1 hour prior to my transfer). NOTE: It's supposed to help relax the uterus. 
  4. I have to drink 24 oz of water, starting 90 minutes prior to my transfer. Have to have a full bladder. 
  5. Do not wear any make-up, perfume, cologne, scented hair products, or perfumed body creams. Embryos are sensitive to odors and this can impact success rates. 
  6. The RE and Embryologist will let me know how many of the 7 made it to blastocyst stage. At that time, they'll recommend how many to transfer (1 or 2) depending on quality. 
  7. I'll receive a picture of my embryos as well :) 
Transfer 1 or 2? 

I don't want to risk twins. But I do want to have a good chance to get pregnant. I think the chance of twins is 20% when transferring 2 (but really depends on the grading of the embryos). Right now, I want to transfer just one. However, if the quality isn't there and if there aren't many blastocysts that make it to Day 5... I'll take whatever recommendation that they give. I figure, they know what they're doing more than me! Will just have to give it to God at that point. 

It would be great if 3-5 made it to blasts and I had some to freeze. But we'll have to see how they continue to develop. 

How am I feeling? 

It's hard to explain how I'm feeling. I had a busy day taking care of my kids, that I haven't really let myself think about it too much because I get too emotional about it! I was extremely happy to hear that all 7 of my little ones made it to Day 3. But I know it's a long road for them to Day 5. Imagine, they have to go from 4-10 cells to 100+ in 2 days! That's a lot of work. I know I'm going to lose a few, which makes me really sad. 

At the same time... I just can't believe I'm here. I can't believe I'm going through this. I've been trying to conceive for so long and I know there's a possibility that I still may not get pregnant... But to know there are 7 embryos out there -- MY embryos, apart of me... Is such an amazing feeling. I feel so very close that it scares me. I don't want to get my hopes up, just in case it doesn't work... However, I can't help but feel so much joy that things are going well right now. 

It's interesting how happy and exciting others are for me in this process. It's so very nice knowing that others are cheering on my decision to do IVF and also putting out positive thoughts for my 7 embryos. I have to say, their enthusiasm has become a little contagious... I'm starting to let myself feel it -- feel the HOPE, the LOVE, the POSSIBILITY. 

I was looking at a picture of my Donor (#4). I got really emotional looking at his baby pictures and thinking that I have 7 embryos that this man has helped make. It really is a gift, all the donors out there (sperm donors, egg donors), to help others build their families. I will forever be grateful to Donor Four. 

I can't help but wonder: Is Baby C one of these 7 embryos developing right now? 

Some Updates on Medications 

Progesterone In Oil (PIO) Shots 

Day 2 (2/18) - I'm not a "fan" of the PIO shots. But... they definitely aren't as bad as I thought they would be. There was one big surprise on Day 2 of my PIO shots... I pulled the needle out and blood is just gushing out, dripping all over the place. Sorry if it's TMI, but I was totally shocked and unprepared for this. Ugh. I also got a 'welt' after I did the shot this day. 

Day 3 (2/19) - I was "prepared" just in case I gushed out blood again. But I guess I had better luck this day. Needle went in easy - absolutely no pain. Hardly any blood!

I have started to pee multiple times in the night. I blame the progesterone. When I was on progesterone suppositories during my IUI's, this happened as well. Have I mentioned how much I dislike progesterone? 

Estrogen Patches

Started Estrogen Patches on 2/19. I'm supposed to do 2 patches and replace every 2 days. They are just like little stickers that go on your tummy. I did something bad and Google'd estrogen patches and all these "Caution" and "Warning" things came up on using them. Ugh. I need to step away from the Search Bar. Had some irritation, less patience, and a slight headache. Can I blame it on the Estrogen patches? Or the Progesterone? Hmm. No way to narrow down the culprit as I'm on a ton of meds! 

Fingers Crossed and praying for my 7 little ones to keep developing!

Next Steps
  • 2/22/16: Day 5 Transfer! 
For more details on my IVF process, see my IVF Calendar/Timeline

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