Saturday, March 18, 2017

28 Weeks Pregnant

Sometimes I'm surprised when I can write one of these weekly blog entries saying that I've made it ONE MORE WEEK! The pregnancy still feels so surreal to me. Like I know in my mind it's happening, but at times it still doesn't feel like it's happening. 

I came across this and thought it was interesting: 

Now, here's your body pre-pregnancy. Crazy how bunched up your organs get. Amazing what the female body can do. 

How far along: 28 Weeks. 10 more weeks (70 days) until possible induction at 38 weeks. 

How big is baby: Eggplant. Ovia app: 

Weight Gain: +7 lbs 

Stretch Marks: Nothing new. 

Symptoms: Nothing terribly new. Still aches and pains. Sometimes feels like my tummy is very heavy. I have been getting some weird twitches in my legs. 

Sleeping: Nothing new. Still insomnia. Still getting up 1-2x's a night. Still getting weird pains if I move too fast. 

Food cravings: The never ending ice cream and chocolate cravings... 

Food aversions:  Nope. 

Maternity Clothes: Last week I mentioned I bought these underwear that also work as a belly support. I used them this week and I LOVE them, absolutely LOVE them!!! They're thin, so not too hot -- and they provide the right kind of support I prefer under a skirt/dress. I'm thinking of buying a few more... but am trying to curb my spending on clothes right now! I mentioned I bought some clothes that can be used post-pregnancy and for nursing purposes. I also bought some Maxi dresses to help me get through the hot weather. Can I just say... Maxi dresses are like the BEST clothing item EVER while pregnant. They're loose, cute, comfortable, and keep you cool. I would buy a million maxi dresses if I could. 

I saw some nursing bras/tank tops on sale, so I got two nursing bras and one tank top. I really like the bras - they are strangely comfortable! Didn't realize my current bras were "not" comfortable until I tried on the nursing bras. These ones are really nice because they "expand" with you. They're not top-of-the-line, but I like that I have some ready. 

Movement: Feeling baby boy move pretty consistently. Some pretty strong kicks every now and then. Some days he's more active than others. The days he's not so active, I do worry... I try not to! But it's hard. 

What I did / Got for Baby:  
  • Laundry. I finally received some baby detergent and decided I was tired of seeing all the baby clothes "to be washed" sitting in the crib. I did 3 full loads of laundry: NB clothes, 0-3 month clothes, receiving blankets, blankets, burp cloths, bibs, boppy covers, etc. Now, I didn't factor in the "folding" of the clothes when I started the laundry! It took me 3 days to fold and sort everything into categories.  
  • Storage Bins. I bought storage bins to store the baby's stuff in to keep on the changing table in my bedroom. I'll eventually post a picture of the baby's "corner" in my room when it's all done. 
  • Sorted Clothes. I started sorting through my son's clothes and ended up putting them in containers. They were previously in vacuum sealed bags -- but I found that to not be so convenient. I prefer the clear containers for the clothes - easy to visually see and stack. I'm also went through my clothes and put clothes that: 1) I can't fit while pregnant, 2) won't work for nursing, and 3) are not summer clothes -- into vacuum sealed bags. 
  • Kitchen. I mentioned I'm nesting a bit... well, I've been working on the kitchen. Sorting, organizing, purchasing, re-organizing. Not specifically "for" baby -- but has to do with being organized for when baby does come! The kitchen is pretty much all done and organized. I still need to clean out the freezer though, things just get buried in there. 
What I miss: Being able to sit comfortably. 

Workouts: cleaning and nesting count, right? 

What I'm looking forward to: my 3D/4D ultrasound. 

Best moment of the week: Seeing baby boy on the ultrasound and watching him move his little lips. 

Rants/Raves: Rave - I received two boxes from Amazon this week. Amazon isn't really good about putting "who" things are from and I had to go online to find out who bought items off my registry! A friend was so nice to buy baby boy a swing and bouncer. Thanks Steph!

I always like to put things together once I get them (in case something is missing or broken), so I put them together and went ahead and started setting up the baby's "corner" downstairs. The bouncer is temporarily sitting in the pack-n-play for space-saving. I rearranged the living room to make room for the baby corner. My son's toys are in the opposite corner. 

Can I just admit a very embarrassing thing? It took me longer than expected to put the swing together. Combined with being tired -- and the screws just not going in as easily as I would have preferred -- it took me FOREVER! I cried... ugh. But I must've put it together correctly because my son, who is OVER the weight limit for the swing, decided he wanted to sit in the swing when I wasn't looking. It didn't fall apart, so I'm guessing that's a win for proper assembly! :)

Another random "Rave" is that I'm loving the nesting thing. I've been so fatigued throughout the entire pregnancy and just so unmotivated. Now, I'm "motivated" -- but get so freaking tired after I excerpt myself -- but I'm getting a lot done. Like, I think this is the first time in a VERY long time that the laundry for the week was folded and put away daily vs. a marathon folding weekend. Not to mention the kitchen looks great! Yay for that. As I mentioned, spurts of motivated energy are nice. But I totally need a nap afterward.

Appointments Next Week: 3/24 last monthly OB appointment before moving to every 2 weeks. 3/25 my 3D/4D elective ultrasound. 

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