Friday, July 24, 2015

Adoption Update: Most Paperwork Completed! Still waiting for Certification

Had a big meeting yesterday for Little Guy to review his current Physical Therapy goals. We had a big crowd: Case Coordinator, Physical Therapist, CPS Case Manager (CM), and my Licensing Worker (LW). The meeting went relatively quick, which is good! We are continuing to work on some stuff, which I'm happy about.


I was able to get all the paper work to the CM and the remaining paperwork to my LW. The only thing remaining is for all the medical professionals to complete the subsidy paperwork. All the appointments are scheduled though, so that's good. 

Now, my LW needs to complete my Adoption Home Study and submit my certification for adoption to the State. This part seems like it's taking FOREVER!!! We've known we were moving towards adoption for months now - I hate the lag time. 

It feels like it's taking a long time! But everyone's hoping the adoption will be in October... Let's see. I'm thinking it's going to be the end of October. I just don't want it to go into November - with the holidays and all. 

Fostering and Adopting

I spoke to my LW about whether I want to foster again or try straight adoption (for another child)... She said if I went to straight adoption that I would probably be waiting 2-3 years, as the State does not give preference to single women... They do have a "safe harbor" here and the State rotates the safe harbor babies through all the adoption agencies. I can always go on that list, which would still be 2-3 years (if not longer). BUT, if I take another foster child - they won't consider me for any types of adoption. Because there's a biased against single women and the number of children in the household. 

So, I'm at a cross roads about what to do next. Continue fostering? Go straight adoption? Of course, all of this is dependent on what happens with TTC Baby C... and whether Baby C will come to us through adoption or if TTC will be successful. Therefore, not deciding now. 

But it's still in the back of my head on what I shall do next. 

How do I feel? 

I feel more comfortable with the fact that I'm going to adopt my Little Guy!!! I've lived for so long not knowing - that I can't shake it entirely! So, getting everything legalized is all I want. 

Next Steps: 
  1. Certified to Adopt -- takes about 30 days after submitted. Estimated, end of August. 
  2. Once certification is completed, I can FINALLY contact an adoption lawyer! 
  3. Then, can hopefully get an adoption date within 60 days after that. 
  4. More paperwork with the adoption lawyer. 
  5. Meet with another lawyer to get my Will, Living Will, and other documents completed - prior to the adoption. 
  6. Adoption! 

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