Monday, July 6, 2015

The Possibility of Diblings

Out of curiosity, I emailed the Sperm Bank that I originally purchased the Donor Sperm from. I was curious if there have been any reported pregnancies. He was a new donor at the time of purchase and I was a little concerned that maybe there weren't any pregnancies and maybe I should've gone with a proven donor.

I just received a response and they said that there were reported "pregnancies" from my Donor. Meaning, more than 1! I had conflicting feelings about this...

First reaction: that's great! He's now a proven donor! The swimmers must be good!

Then immediately after: If there were reported pregnancies, maybe the issue isn't the sperm, but maybe it's my egg quality? :(  My RE is convinced the timing was perfect for my first 2 IUI's.

Then a little after that: A bit of jealousy for those that did get pregnant with my Donor's swimmers! Hard to admit, but it's there.

On the SMC boards, there are some families that keep in contact with donor siblings AKA diblings. I never really thought past the part of *wanting* to get pregnant & the entire TTC process, so the possibility of diblings just wasn't top of mind. If I'm successful with this donor's sperm, I now know there will be diblings... Something to put in the back of my mind for now and reprocess when the time is right.

Then I started thinking I have 2 vials left of his sperm. After this month, I'll have 1 left. He has no more vials for sale. If worse comes to worse and I have to repurchase, I'll have to go with a new donor. I've been scoping out the other donors and have a few top of mind that I would love to go with.  But then there's other sperm banks that offer adult pictures (mine doesn't) and that's very tempting... Will cross that bridge if/when I have to.

Lots to think about.

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