Monday, April 25, 2016

FET #1 (Cycle 9): TWW + B/W 5dp5dFET

Fatigue - check 
Moody - check 
Cramping - check 
Sore injection sites - check 
Bloating - check 
Emotional - check

I must be in another TWW... Oh joy. Here's how it's gone so far. 

PIO shots have become a pain, literally. I don't know what's different this cycle, but I am so easy to bruise and the injection sites are so sore. Not to mention the actual injections have not been easy at all. I was so spoiled during IVF #2, they came so much easier. This is no fun... There were 2x's where blood was in the syringe after I injected. I didn't see any blood when I checked (pulled out after inserting & before injecting m). Nurse says it's nothing to worry about. So odd that this didn't happen at all during IVF #2. PIO = not my friend. It is also painful to wear my jeans, as they sit right on the injection site. Ugh. 

I have extremely sensitive BB's... Sorry if it's TMI, but they really hurt! I blame it on the progrsterone as this started happening 2dpt and no way I would have symptoms that early. Not that it stopped me from googling about it! 

Uterine cramping began 3dpt, having me fear the worse -- that this cycle didn't work (again). Trying to store those fears away - but it's so darn hard. 

I'm so overly emotional. I even fight tears when I look at my embie's picture. Just wanting so bad for my embie to implant and grow into a little person. Then I worry that my embie didn't fully expand into the uterine cavity prior to the transfer. Supposedly that leads to lower success rates. Google during the TWW is not your friend. There should be a warning or something.

4 more days until Beta Test. I have moments where I'm completely convinced this cycle didn't work. Then moments where I think, "What if it does?" Right now the "I don't think it worked" thoughts are winning. 

Had my blood work done today: 

E2: 481.4

Progesterone: >40

Portal Mesage: no medication changes 

Guess it's good that there are no med changes and that my levels are where they want it to be. This FET cycle overall has been much easier on me (besides the pesky PIO shots). 

Now the countdown 4-3-2-1... Until I know definitively if my embie implanted. 

Last Step this Cycle: 
  • 4/29/16: Beta Test
For more details on my IVF process, see my IVF Calendar/Timeline.

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