Tuesday, August 2, 2016

IUI #7 (Cycle 10): Two Week Wait IUI-Style

It feels weird being in the Two Week Wait (TWW) after an IUI. I have to wait a FULL 14 days to find out if it worked. With IVF, I only had to wait 9 days after a transfer for the blood test. And yes, those 5 days matter! Not to mention, there's more certainty with IVF. You know the egg was fertilized. You know you have an embryo. With IUI, you just don't know if the sperm and egg ever met. Will see how this TWW goes for me. I'm hoping to just "forget" about it for 14 days. LOL, yeah right.

To start off: I'm not planning on testing at home. I've never not tested for a cycle. But with my cycles with a false positive on a HPT... I don't want to go through that ever again. Plus, I figure the 6-10% chances of this IUI working are so slim statistically... why add the extra stress of POAS? Let's see if I can even manage this "not testing" thing!

Here's a picture of the "process" and what I hope will be happening during the TWW. Again, with IUI - you don't know if the sperm and egg met.

Random Thoughts: 
  • Started the progesterone suppositories and multiple night peeing seems to be in my future. I hate that side effect. 
  • My BB's were really sore the day after the IUI, before I started the progesterone. Must be a reaction from the Stim meds. Then after I started the progesterone --- OUCH! So very sore. Another hated side effect. 
  • I had some pain in my left ovary the day of and after the IUI. Thinking its related to the cyst maybe? 
  • Tried to drink a little bit of caffeine (haven't had any caffeine in July) & got a headache. Ugh.
  • Tried my best NOT to count the days post IUI. Every time I started a mental calculation, I needed to distract myself. Looking at a calendar was not good! And I look at a calendar all the time for work and for scheduling my personal appointments... I had to keep telling myself "Don't count!!" This worked until 1 week in, when it was obvious which days post IUI I was. <sigh>
  • Started getting some cramping a few days after the IUI. Early for AF, but my cycles are all off right now. But having cramps less than a week after the IUI is not making me optimistic about this cycle. 
  • IUI's are almost easier than IVF. With an IUI, you know the odds are so low - so your expectations are a bit low. Although you still hope to be in that lucky percentile. With IVF, you put your body through so much and the expectations are so much higher. You know you have an embryo. IUI, you don't know what the heck is going on inside your body. 
  • I keep telling myself that this cycle didn't work, to prepare myself for the inevitable negative result of this unexpected IUI. I even asked one friend not to ask me about the results of this cycle and to just sum it up to it not working... But in my heart of hopes... I hope I'm surprised with a positive. I feel bad feeling like it didn't work before it's verified. But the cycle was just a disaster, I don't want to get all my hopes up - hoping for that BFP... Then have it all crumple. 
  • Getting night sweats and vivid dreams. All progesterone-related I'm sure. But the dreams... I can do without the dreams. When I'm on progesterone the dreams seem so real. I ended up waking up one night so disturbed by my dream and couldn't go back to sleep because it was haunting me!
  • Staying distracted by listening to audio books, keeps my mind occupied. 
  • Starting to get a bit stuffy, coming down with a cold? Also some chills/dizzy spells. Ugh. Hope I'm not getting sick. Adding a sore throat to this. :( 
  • I am SO anxious for this TWW to be over. I know it's a long shot for this IUI to work... But man, I'm hoping it did. Either way, can't wait for the TWW to be over so I can start thinking of next steps, either way. The anxiousness is starting to sway me into testing early... 
  • This was probably my most emotional draining TWW. I think it's because of the way the cycle went. The last cycle I had such a hard time with was IVF #1 because it was cancelled :( 
  • Have I mentioned hot flashes and hot sweats? In this heat--- horrid. 
  • 10dpIUI (hard not to count at that point) I had some brown spotting. Very small amount. Implantation bleeding or precursor to AF or maybe the suppositories are irritating my cervix?? So much wondering from a little bit of spotting. LOL. Can it be this, or that, or this. Crazy TTC mind. 

The cycle is almost over... Let's see what there results are. 

Next Steps:
  • 8/4/16: Beta Test

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