Saturday, December 10, 2016

14 Weeks Pregnant - Entering the 2nd Trimester

I can't believe I'm in the 2nd trimester! It felt so very far away and now it's here. Here's what the last week looked like.

How far along: 14 weeks

How big is baby:  A peach. Ovia app: 
Weight Gain: -4 lbs

Stretch Marks: Nope. 

Symptoms: Food pains, some headaches, sensitive breasts, get tired really easy. 

Sleeping: Sleep? I wish! I'm not sleeping so well still. 

Food cravings: I haven't been craving anything in particular. But man, when the food pains hit -- I feel so sick. Then I eat and I'm full really quickly. We went to a restaurant for dinner and I was so hungry, my stomach was talking and cramping. So, I decided to order an appetizer. I ate it so quickly, but it made me completely full that I couldn't eat my regular meal. Such a strange thing my eating habits have come to. 

Food aversions: I *thought* I was over my egg aversion. Well, I'm able to eat eggs now -- but after I'm done it's a bit scary as my stomach feels very unsettled and the nausea kicks in. I haven't thrown up yet, but there were moments where it was sketchy. I think I may lay off the eggs again for a few weeks. What's also interesting is the same thing happens after I eat peanut butter. Eggs and peanut butter make my nausea kick in. Which sucks because those are my best sources of protein! Blah. 

Maternity Clothes: I'm going to buy more maternity pants. I'm exclusively wearing them now because they are just so darn comfortable! I haven't gained any weight, but when I wear my regular pants I just feel like I'm so confined and the pressure on my tummy makes me feel sick. 

Movement: Not yet, too early. 

What I did / Got for Baby: I almost feel like I'm "nesting" already. I have cleared out the baby's room for the most part - still need to work on the closet.  Once I know the gender I can start getting rid of some of the baby clothes I have, which will make it easier clearing things out. I'm planning on getting a new dresser/clothes chest. The one that's in the baby's room is very old, from when I moved into one of my apartments in 1999! It's basically falling apart. I got rid of my 2 previous cribs (with drop-sides) and I put together the baby's new crib! It took me about 1-2 hours to put it together by myself. There were a lot more extra pieces to put together than my other cribs which were much simpler. I have to admit I had moments of frustration with those darn bolts and whined a little (or a lot) when they wouldn't stay in place. It's not the easiest putting a crib together by yourself and would be a lot easier to have someone hold pieces up while you screw. But whatever, not my first time assembling a crib solo and I got it done :) I really like it and think it looks lovely, especially for the price I got it for on Amazon. I'm actually really impressed with the quality. 

I also bought a new diaper bag... which is crazy because I have so many diaper bags!!! But the one I wanted was on sale on Amazon and I couldn't resist getting it - like $100 off! How could I resist? It is a Ju-Ju-Be BFF Convertible Diaper bag. It can be a regular over the shoulder bag or a backpack! They're usually very expensive, but I got it for almost half off. I really do prefer the backpack-style diaper bags. So much easier when you're using a baby carrier and/or have a toddler you need hands for. I just never wanted to splurge that much for one before. Woohoo for getting deals! 

What I miss: Feeling rested. I have more energy, but I get tired so easy. Afternoons in the office are killing me, I just want a nap. I always find stuff I need to do in the evenings, so not going to sleep early enough. I'm just so tired most of the day. But even when I have opportunities to nap, I can't seem to. Argh. 

Workouts: I wish... 

What I'm looking forward to: Getting my Panorama NIPT results back. 

Best moment of the week: Not baby related, but the best moment of the week was celebrating my son's birthday. He kept singing to himself, "Happy Birthday to B." Brought tears of joy to my eyes. 

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