Friday, May 8, 2015

IUI Cycle #2: CD 10, Mid-Cycle Ultrasound. The cycle is a GO!

These last few days off of Clomid have been very nice. It's been comforting having my emotions in check and feeling like the "normal" me. I've also been extremely positive since making the decision to move. I know it's far away, but it's nice planning for this positive step and it's gotten me out of my "Zombie" haze.

I had my mid-cycle ultrasound today. I have to admit, I am getting a little perturbed by having constant access to my vagina for "monitoring". Vaginal ultrasounds are not the most comfortable thing in the world. When they're looking for my "shy" left ovary, it is extremely uncomfortable. <sigh>

Joys of fertility treatments and medicated/monitored IUI cycles! I know that this is all necessary, so I don't really mind that much of course. But still. I never really imagined that trying to have a baby would be like "this": Medicated. Clinical. Costly. Emotional. All the appointments. I imagined more like: roses, chocolate, wine, big comfy bed. LOL, well, not "really" - but you get the picture.

I have to keep reminding myself of the "end result": Baby C in my arms! This will all seem trivial and it'll all be worth it.

Back to my mid-cycle Ultrasound appointment today! When I walked into the RE's office, there was a couple that was being congratulated and had a little gift bag - they looked so happy, I'm sure that means they had their BFP! It's the first time I've seen that in the office while I was there. I almost cried tears of joy for them, I can't imagine how amazing the feeling must be to get a BFP. So very awesome.

The purpose of the ultrasound was to check if Clomid did its job:
  • Do I have any mature follicles? 
  • What are the sizes? 
  • How many mature follicles?
  • How is my uterine lining. Lining needs to be good for the embryo to be able to implant.   
Every monitored cycle, there's always a "fear" of the cycle being cancelled. If there are too many mature follicles (Clomid worked too well) then = cycle cancelled. Maybe it didn't work well enough = cycle cancelled. 

The Good News: The cycle is a GO
  • # of Mature Follicles: 1, maybe 2. Right ovary has 1 nice and big 21 mm follicle! The left ovary has a 14 mm follicle. RE said there is potential for this one to get big enough and release by IUI time. 
  • Uterine Lining: 8 mm. Looks really good, per RE. 
How do I feel? I'm excited! The follicle looked really good on the monitor. The clomid did its job -- matured the follicle pretty good! I truthfully was hoping for more than 1 juicy follicle. But my RE seemed optimistic that the 14mm could be 16 or 18 mm prior to triggering - which he said is good. So, I may have two good sized follies in the running. It only takes ONE! Hoping that one of these is the one. :) Feeling really good about the progress. Fingers and toes crossed that magical baby dust comes my way on Monday.

Next Steps:
  1. Trigger Shot 5/10 @ 4:15am. I'm triggering on Mother's Day, maybe that'll bring me some extra baby dust! :) 
  2. IUI 5/11 @ 4:15 pm

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