Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day 2015 Surprises

This was my 3rd Mother's Day as a single foster mom! 

Here's how I spent Mother's Day in the past: 

2012 - My First Mother's Day with my first two foster daughters. My 5 year old "made me" waffles by putting them in the toaster for me :) 

2013 - This year I had no foster kiddos, I was on a "break" from fostering. It felt so weird not to have any kids! 

2014 - My second Mother's Day was with Little Guy. He was only 5 months at the time. I don't really remember what we did that day! We did go to my friend's baby shower that weekend and then went to Austin, TX later that week.  

2015 - This year I have my two little ones, my Little Guy & Little Miss. Here's how Mother's Day has gone for me thus far:
Surprise #1

Received a nice card from my foster care agency. Having fostered with them for 4 years, this is the first Mother's Day card I received from them. I thought it was really nice and it made me tear up a bit. Very nice of them. 

Surprise #2 

Had a sleepless night being anxious for my Trigger Shot. Afterwards, right when I was about to fall back asleep - Little Guy decided that a 5:30am wake up time would be nice. Then, Little Miss decides to greet me with a very yucky morning bowl movement. Happy Mother's Day! Haha. 

Surprise #3

Decided I didn't want to cook breakfast and we headed to IHOP this morning. Which I guess is the thing to do on Mother's Day because it was packed! I swear, everyone in the town was there. The kids were pretty good and I'm getting better at managing two toddlers in public. I even allowed myself to have a coffee!!! I gave it up when I decided to TTC. One cup won't hurt, right? It was so yummy. 

There was a family sitting next to us that reminded me of my family from back home. Made me a little nostalgic. I haven't been in contact with my own birth mother since 2008 (long story - to be shared in another entry one of these days). I didn't grow up with my birth mother, my father raised my older brother and me. But it's weird having a mother out there that I haven't seen in such a long time and seeing 3 generations of mothers having breakfast next to us. Also add to that - I'm TTC my own birth child right now. Strange mix of emotions I didn't expect. 

After breakfast, we went to a nice park that's by the restaurant that we haven't been to before. Which leads to the next surprise... 

Surprise #4 

We were having a good time exploring this park when Little Guy falls and split his lip!!! Blood EVERYWHERE! Lips bleed so bad. When he fell, he bit his bottom lip -- it looked "meaty". I was surprised at how calm I was while he was screaming. I was also surprised at how calm Little Miss was while this was going on. It could've been a lot more chaotic than it was. His lip looked so bad, that I felt I needed to bring him to Urgent Care. The problem was, my normal Urgent Care wasn't open yet. I finally found one that was close and accepted his insurance. 

Turns out - it's not that bad. Can take up to 2 weeks to heal, just because of the location. No stitches needed. He was prescribed some ointment and Tylenol. He seems perfectly fine now! But it was a bit of a scare. This is his first real "accident". I'm actually surprised it's taken this long for him to fall and hurt himself - considering he's a toddler! Let's hope it doesn't start a trend. Now, the fun part -- completing the "Incident Report" for CPS. Ugh. 

Surprise #5 

I received a really nice text from my friend's teenage daughter: 
Happy Mother's Day Patty! You are such an amazing mother your kids are very lucky to have you as a mom! ❤️ hope you have an awesome Mother's Day!
Very sweet of her to think about me and it made me smile :)

It's not even Noon yet... Let's hope the rest of the day is uneventful! Planning to go to the splash pad after nap time... or maybe just chill at home the rest of the day! I'm a little tired out from all these surprises!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mommy's out there -- the Foster Mommy's -- the Adoptive Mommy's -- the soon-to-be-Mommy's -- and all those that are Mommy's in their hearts, trying to conceive. May you have a blessed day with those you love. 

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