Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Swimming Class --> Toddler Style

Both of my Little Ones are in swimming class. Yesterday was an interesting day at swim.

Little Guy does not like swim class. He's been going since December and he's gotten a lot better, but he still has issues with transitioning to his swim instructor. He'll hold onto me screaming. Poor guy. It takes him about 10 minutes to get "settled" into class and then enjoys the rest for the most part.

Yesterday, Little Guy decided to have a BM right after I put on his reusable swim diaper!!! No fun. He thought he would "get out of" swim class and was all happy when I took him back to change into a NEW reusable swim diaper. I had to buy a new one. On top of that, I ran out of wipes cleaning him up! I'm usually more prepared than that, but was hoping there would be no more need for wipes! Luckily there wasn't.

When I brought him back to the pool, he started his little scream-fest-resistance. But eventually, he did really well! Blowing bubbles and working on floating.

Little Miss was not having a good day. She had an hour-long tantrum at daycare yesterday. This is the first time she exhibited the type of tantrums she's had at my house. I have to admit, I was happy about that! Glad to know that she has those tantrums somewhere else because it can feel like she saves them for me! She also did not nap - at all - all day. She's one of those kids that needs that afternoon nap and is out hard and will sleep for 2-3 hours.

Not having a good day, I wasn't sure how she'd react to going to swim class. She'll usually start whining in the car when I tell her we're going to swim. Yesterday, she seemed fine with it. She even voluntarily went to her swim instructor and got in the pool -- no whining, no screaming, no crying. She blew bubbles and progressed really well the entire class! I was so surprised, as that's a rare occurrence for her!

Then, it was time to leave and she refused to hold my hand! Started having a little temper tantrum on holding my hand to walk to the car. This happened the first week she was with me, but not since. I sat her down and told her that she was going to hold my hand to walk to the car, because that's what's safe. She can choose which hand to hold. Thankfully, she decided to hold my hand and walk to the car - I immediately started praising her for following directions and doing so well.

We had some incidents during dinner, she's started holding food in her cheeks... She's done that before, but she looked like a chipmunk. Something to keep an eye on. She's been having a hard time adjusting to visitations and acting out a lot. I think it's because she feels a "lack of control". Going to try to start giving her options (option 1 or option 2) and see if that helps.

Overall, yesterday was an eventful day at swim class! I am personally exhausted. :)

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