Friday, May 1, 2015

IUI Cycle #2: CD3 Baseline Ultrasound

I had my CD3 Ultrasound. Which is basically the "baseline" ultrasound to check for # of follicles and if there are any ovarian cysts. My mind-frame is so different this cycle. I wasn't excited going into the RE's office. The way the week has gone, I have to admit I was expecting the worse. I was prepared for my RE to tell me, "you have a cyst and we are canceling the cycle." Luckily that didn't happen! 

The good news: No cysts! Yippee, something to rejoice about! I can continue on with this cycle. 

The ultrasound went OK. I have 7-9 follicles in my right ovary. They have a really hard time seeing my left ovary and were only able to see 3-4 follicles. My counts are getting lower as I go through this process, which isn't a good sign. At my original ultrasound in December, they were able to see 7-8 in each ovary. 

If I have to continue this TTC journey and end up with 6 BFN cycles -- I'm really going to have to think about the possibility of doing IVF due to my ovarian reserve concerns... But that's to be contemplated another time IF things go that way.  

Medication Changes

We discussed my medication and my RE wasn't very happy with my response to the 50 mg of clomid, so we're upping the dose to 100 mg of clomid this cycle. Everything else is staying the same: baby aspirin, prenatal vitamins, metformin, progesterone, and the HCG Pregnyl Trigger Shot of 10,000 iu. 

Moving Forward

I need to change my frame of mind. I feel like I'm so pessimistic! Feeling like I've already received a BFN this cycle when I'm just beginning! Sheesh. TTC really beats you up. You have all this optimism that is totally vanquished once you receive a "No, you're not pregnant" call. From researching around on "how to stay positive while TTC," there are a lot of tips and tricks to try to stay positive. But none of them are really working for me. I already stay pretty busy and have a lot going on in my life... work, my kiddos, Toastmasters... and I also make time to read every day. Yet, there's like this hovering cloud over me following me everywhere. 

I know I need to turn it around, but I'm going to allow myself to wallow for today. Tomorrow I'll pick it back up and start shredding that cloud to bring some sunshine back into my life. It's been a very emotionally draining week and I feel like I need to allow myself to "feel it" so I can move on. 

Next step: mid-cycle ultrasound on Friday, May 8 @ 2:30 p.m. 

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