The new job has been going well for the most part. Here's a quick update on how life has been on the new schedule.
Dealing with Difficult People
I've dealt with difficult people before, but there's one lady in particular at my new job that is straight up mean! Like obviously mean and rude. It got so bad that I actually spoke to her manager about it. I approached it in the following way, "I'm new here and I'm still getting used to everyone's personalities. I feel there's some hostility with XX and wasn't sure what to think about it."
Well, it turns out it's good I spoke to her manager (who is my peer and the one training me) about it. Turns out that this lady is mean to everyone, but she's especially mean to me because she's upset that I was hired in at a level above her. Like, really? Ugh. Petty work drama is not my thing. But honestly, my entire professional life I have never been treated so rudely by someone.
I try to keep my distance (as much as I can on a small team) and don't go to her for help now. It seems to be working ok lately.
The Routine
My routine has gotten a little better. I'm still not sleeping well, which really puts a hinder on things. But I think I've gotten the waking up 4am thing down. I've adjusted my bedtime, so I'm actually in bed by 8pm on most days. I'm just so tired, I'm useless and can't get anything done.
Dinner time has been working out OK. We mostly do a fruit cocktail-type dinner now-a-days. My son doesn't seem to want to eat anything else.
Meal planning has been going extremely well. I've been making just enough meals to make it through the week.
Laundry has been going OK. I've pretty much moved all my laundry to the weekends now, which works better for the new schedule and seems to be the only way that I can keep up with it.
House Chores have not been as easy to maintain. I do well with it when we don't have weekend activities. But, when we have weekend activities -- it's extremely difficult for me to get the house chores done. It's frustrating because I want my house to be maintained better. I'm learning to let go of my perfection and just doing what I can. House chores have been at the bottom of my priority list after laundry, dinner time, and meal planning.
Quality Time with my Son
Believe it or not, even though we have a shorter period together during the week - I feel like the time we spend together is better quality. I've been really focusing on connecting with him and making sure we do quality activities together at night time. That's been in the form of short games (he only has a 10-15 minute attention span) and story time before bed. I've also been having him help me with preparing dinner. He helps wash the fruit off :)
It's sometimes hard at the end of the day to stay engaged when I'm so tired, but I make it a priority. I'm doing all I'm doing for him. The least I can do is spend some QT with him and make sure the long hours don't impact my connection with him.
Sleep and Working Out
As I've mentioned, my sleep is horrible. I toss and turn all night. I wear my Fitbit Charge HR to bed and I can see how horrible my sleep patterns are. So, even though I'm going to sleep at a decent hour and I'm exhausted-- I'm not getting quality sleep. I've tried a few different things: 1) going to sleep earlier, 2) buying a new pillow, 3) setting the AC temp lower. Nothing seems to be working.
I was hoping to start adding in a workout in the morning, but it's so hard when I'm so groggy from lack of sleep. Now, I'm starting my IVF Cycle #3 - so I can't really start right now anyways (they don't want you doing vigorous exercise while stimming). But I have to do SOMETHING!
I've been trying to get up at work every hour and walk around. I also have added some desk stretches. But even with that, my # of steps aren't much. I'm just not moving enough. I really want to make this a priority because I love how I feel when I workout. BUT, the time crunch is a real thing. There really aren't enough hours in the day.
I know theoretically if I work out, I'll probably sleep better. But crawling out of bed groggy at 4am right now, not sure I have it in me to crawl out of bed at 3/3:30am and actually workout!
I know I have to make it a priority. I'm trying my best. After I'm finished with IVF#3, I'll try to make a better effort and see if I can make progress with this.
So, overall things are going well at the new job. The schedule/routine is working out pretty solid. I'm getting more flexibility where I can work from home a few days a week. Which will hopefully help with the time crunch.