Monday, January 5, 2015

Back to the Gym - ZUMBA

I haven't been back to the gym for over a year!!!! I used to be REALLY good about going to the gym and watching my weight. One of the issues with having a baby is that I am overweight. If I can drop my weight, my period will normalize on its own (which will help me get pregnant), it'll be better of my diabetes management, and I'll be healthier overall.

<sigh> So, WHY haven't I been to the gym in over a year you may wonder...

Truth is, being a single foster parent is time consuming. My little guy had so many specialists appointments early on. I would use my lunch break from work to take him. My lunch break is when I used to go to the gym...

There can be arguments that you can "find the time" - go after work and such. But after work was my time to bond and spend time with my little guy and I didn't want to trade that. Not to mention, I had other commitments that I was participating in - which just meant I had a time issue.

Well, those are my "excuses"! I know that there are many people out there that will argue about making excuses. I used to be one of them, believe me. The truth of the matter is, I was overextended with my commitments and something had to give for my sanity & time management. That just happened to be the gym.

I never cancelled my gym membership because I always intended to go back. I absolutely LOVE Zumba class and didn't want to give it up.

Today, I went BACK to the gym and I went to Zumba class!!! YAY ME! It kicked my behind... but I enjoyed it. What was really nice is, some of the ladies in the class came up to me and "welcomed" me back :) I forgot how much of a community I build with some of these random stranger ladies in Zumba class. LOL. It felt good and I'm glad I went.

My schedule and time commitments haven't changed... What's changed is - I'm going to go WHEN I can. That's not going to be 5-6x's a week...! But that's OK. I'm going when I have time in my schedule to go. That's going to have to be good enough. For example, I can't go to Zumba this Wednesday because of a work meeting. That's OK. I'll go WHEN work/schedule allows me to go.

I'm also going to work in other stuff like circuit training. I'm just not going to stress when time is short and I can't go. I'm going to do what I can, which is better than not doing anything at all.

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