Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Test Results

Had my consultation with the RE. Everything came back: NORMAL. Yup, everything is NORMAL. Yippee :)

Cliff Notes Version of Test results: 
  • All my hormone levels are normal. 
  • I tested negative for cystic fibrosis and spinal muscular atrophy. 
  • We discussed my oddly shaped fallopian tubes, he doesn't think it's an issue. He said the fallopian move within the body anyways. Which I thought was interesting and a bit strange... our bodies are magnificent things, aren't they?! 
  • We discussed the cyst on my right ovary. Called it a "Paraovarian cyst" that was approximately 1 cm. Said it's normal and not to worry about it. Need to go to Google-verse and see. Not that I don't trust my RE... But I'm just curious. 
  • Only bad thing was the fibroids, but easily fixed it the surgery. 
  • I do not have PCOS!!!! This is GREAT news!!! I KNEW that OBGYN was nuts when he tried to diagnose me with that within 10 minutes of meeting me with NO tests. A$$hole. 
Surgery or Not to Surgery? 

The only thing I had to decide on was the surgery. I decided to go forward with it... It's non-evasive and it's out-patient surgery. Plus, it'll increase my odds of getting pregnant. Ultimately that's what I want, less complications. There are risks to surgery, but they're minimal. Let's just hope I'm not 1 in 1000 that has something crazy happen! Really... please pray for that. The name of the surgery is: Hysteroscopy. They go in through the cervix and use a scope to remove the fibroid (or it can be a polyp - they won't really know until they remove it).

IUI vs. IVF 

We talked about options: IUI vs IVF. Looks like it'll depend on what my insurance says. My insurance will cover IVF after 6 months of "monitored" and perhaps "medicated" IUI cycles... I'm getting clarification on this. But looking like I'll be doing IUI for at least 6 cycles before I can move forward with IVF.

Natural Cycle vs. Medicated Cycles 

Good news, since I hit my co-payment, the IUI cycles are pretty cheap out-of-pocket. Bad news, insurance doesn't cover purchasing sperm!! LOL. Sperm will be expensive, but at least the procedure won't. We are not sure about medicated vs natural cycle IUI... We will discuss further after the surgery to remove the fibroids. He may suggest 3-4x Natural Cycle and 3-4 Fertility drug cycle... Over 6 cycles, there's a 60% change to get pregnant. That sounds good, but think about it --- 6 MONTHS. <sigh> I'm hoping to get pregnant in the first shot! As I know most women probably feel the same way :) But realistically, it would be great to get pregnant within 3 cycles. With IVF, you have a 60% chance to get pregnant in ONE cycle. Would be nice to start with that, but no can do.

More than one baby? 

Moving to IVF is costly, but I'd have to do 6 cycles of IUI before I can even THINK about doing that.  I've also been thinking "do I want more children in the future?" Because my eggs will continue to age... Which sounds so crazy... Thinking about a second child when I would feel blessed with just one. But I do want a sibling. Hopefully I'll be able to adopt Little Guy, but I've always wanted 3 children... It just feels like "more more more".

I wish I didn't have to contemplate that, but with aging eggs, I do have to consider "Do I want to freeze my eggs now?" I may continue to age, but the eggs would still be the quality that they are today. Only thing is, insurance doesn't cover the cost for freezing eggs and man - it's really pricey. Worth the price? Or just try with the eggs that I have at the age that I want to get pregnant? Darn getting older. I'm going to have to really think about this...

So, that's in the back of mind... my aging eggs and if I'm going to want to birth more children.


Turns out that my CMV status wasn't ordered at the last blood test. So they had to take blood AGAIN!!! ARGH. This time, I think I'm getting a bruise on my arm from the needle. Looks nasty. Oh well, need CMV status in order to order sperm. I should get the results on Friday and then I can really narrow down a sperm donor! Yes, I'm excited about that part. It's almost like online dating narrowing it down. Once I get the surgery out of the way, I can really focus on that part.

Next Steps: 
  1. Get period. Call on CD #1 to schedule surgery within 12 days. 
  2. If period doesn't come, then call on CD #35. 
  3. Follow-up consultation 2 weeks after surgery to discuss IUI process (to begin in March!)
  4. I can order sperm at the first period after surgery. 

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