Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Toddlers Galore

I spent 5 days of being a full time Mommy and spending time with the kids. I have to tell you, I'm exhausted! Not sure how stay-at-home moms do it. Just in that short period of time, I was drained!

Having two toddlers is interesting. Little Guy with "sympathy" cry when Little Miss tantrums. Tag-teaming already.

Overall, it hasn't been too bad.

You have to feel for Little Miss... Her tantrums were pretty bad to start with, but have gone down significantly the longer she's been here. She wants to be "right next" to me at ALL times. Which makes it difficult to do things like go to the bathroom or cook! She plays "OK" with Little Guy. She has age-appropriate behaviors with wanting "her" toys, even when she's not playing with it. There were a few times that she pushed or hit Little Guy (not hard). I haven't left them unsupervised, so I was right there to correct the behavior. She tried to hit me a few times during her tantrum blowouts. I corrected that and it hasn't happened since.

She's so easy to go to strangers! We went to the park and she just went up to other parents and "clung" onto them... She did the same at my friend's house. This is typical behavior for foster children, unfortunately. It's just been awhile since I've had an older child as a placement to see it.

She sleeps REALLY well. She was only taking 1 nap at the Shelter. But doing 1 nap at my house led to tantrums. I moved her to two naps and the tantrums almost stopped! She would sleep 1.5 hours in the morning and 2 hours at night AND sleep 11-12 hours at night. I have to admit, I'm a happy camper that she sleeps so well! :)

Little Guy has adjusted well to her being here. He is happy to see her and tries to play with her. You can tell that he gets confused when she won't share or why he can't have what she has. He'll learn eventually.

Overall, things are going really well with the schedule of adding a new family member.

Little Miss started daycare today and is having a tough time adjusting. I'm sure once she gets into the swing of things, that things will go smoothly there as well. I'm interested to see what happens when I pick her up today!

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