Thursday, January 29, 2015

A HUGE Bill $$$$$

I received an invoice from a laboratory for my blood work processing that was completed on 12/30/14. Can you believe, it was over $1000!!! I was like WTF! I was pretty angry considering they told me it would only cost about $150. 

I kept my "anger" under control and called my RE's office. They said that that I needed to contact the lab. Luckily the lab customer service was amazing. They just added my insurance information, told me to ignore the invoice, that I would be re-invoiced with the correct amount if I owed anything. They also said "make sure your doctor's office adds your insurance to your labs." Grrr. 

I honestly think it was the doctor's office that left off the insurance information. I've worked with this lab before for my regular blood work through my normal doctor's office and never had an issue with billing. 

Oh well. Mistakes happen, right? At least it is getting fixed. But man, if I had to pay that amount - I would've been livid. 

Can't believe blood work costs so darn much...!!! How do people with NO insurance afford these things? Sheesh. 

I've also been trying to understand my "explanation of benefits" and "claims" on my insurance website. It is so confusing!!! How can a normal person ever understand what's covered and what's not. It is ridiculous. 

Who knew this fertility adventure would turn into a Insurance 101 course. 

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